Fading Rebel (RIP 2006-2008) profile picture

Fading Rebel (RIP 2006-2008)

About Me

The very center of Fading Rebel is about Rebellion. Do not get the wrong impression, we are not face covering, molotov throwing terrorists, we are not your spiky haired, dog collared anarchist. We are believers, dreamers and followers. Our rebellion isn't about some anti-government, it isn't about fighting some authority figure. It is about restoring and refocusing our hearts on more than just what we see with our eyes, but what we see with our spirits. Our world is one that is conquered by evil, it has created a great fortress and from outside its walls nothing can deliver the justice is so sorely deserves. Unfortunately for them, this battle will take place within its walls, in its streets, alleys, homes and stores.
Fading Rebel is about the fight that its members make each day to be something different. A fight for someone who not only loves them but died for them and its a fight to rebuild the bridge that sin destroyed.
We are no musical revolution, we are a rebellion.
Fading Rebel got its original birth in the hearts of Daniel, Andrew and Mike, however the band was unable to find any purpose or direction until Steven and Joanna joined the cause. With an uneventful summer looming the band began to write its first batch of songs. The first song they ever wrote words have become the ironic anthem for the band even today...
We Will Not Fade Away
The bands first year held a lot; developing a very loyal fan base, and the reputation for high energy live performances, they began to play shows all over Alberta, sharing the stage with others such as Born for Battle, Glory Nights, You are a Weapon, The Fortunate and more, and even playing several shows at the Calgary Stampede. During the year they also began work on their debut release, and in the summer of 2006 the band turned out "Freedom of the Voiceless" a small 5 track album that encompassed what the band was about. A variety of songs ranging from Strength to Stand's melodies of freedom, to Time to Feel Alive's words of encouragement. Although already blessed and taken further then ever expected, they contiune to reach for new and greater heights.
.. .. .. .. ..

My Interests


Member Since: 23/03/2006
Band Members:
Joanna (Vocals/Keyboard)

Daniel (Guitar)

Mike (Guitar/Vocals)

Steven (Bass/Vocals)

Andrew (Drums)

Type of Label: Major

My Blog


Hey, so as most of you know we (finally) broke ground on the new EP last weekend. We worked with Andrew at Chaos Theroy Studios (who is not only a fairly sexy young man, but also does s...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 13:39:00 GMT

HIttin the Studio!

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates lately. Life is crazy somtimes! Lots of exciting news from the Fading Rebel camp though. The biggest news is that we will finally be breaking ground on our new ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 14:06:00 GMT

Time of Reflection and Thanks

Hey guys, this Christmas season is a time for thanksgiving and relizing how very blessed we are. When i got up today i logged onto the myspace to check for anything new and noticed that somtime during...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 14:10:00 GMT

New song on the way!

Quick heads up guys. As you all know (or SHOULD know) we've been writing like mad men and are getting set to hit the studio and put out our follow-up to Freedom of the Voiceless somtime in January. S...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 10:36:00 GMT

A word from the Bassist! PLUS New Song Lyrics!

Hello one and all!Steven hear just to give you a little update and fill you in on whats been going on lately with Fading Rebel! DUH DUH DUUUH!As most of you know (or atleast those of you that we talk ...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 17:46:00 GMT

Update on writing

Hey guys and gals, so were pretty stoked. We've been working really hard lately on writing songs for our new cd. We're really looking forward to letting you guys hear it, its definitely different from...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 23:27:00 GMT

Kudos for Cochrane

This last show, to me at least, was all about Cochrane stepping up to the plate and hitting it outa the park. It started when the night before our show Long and Mcquade in Calgary ruined the nut on my...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 23:47:00 GMT

Change a comin!

Hey Rebels, just thought id let ya know that you can expect many changes in the near future. We plan on overhauling our myspace page shortly, as we feel it is alittle dated now. So get stoked for a ne...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:01:00 GMT

Fading Rebel for sale online now

Hey everyone, so as of today our EP has been released on itunes and emusic. So i encourage ya all to go check it out if you dont already own a copy. Sound good? Sweet. Hope to see ya all in Chestermre...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 00:38:00 GMT

EP title and release date!

So ladies and gents, the time is almost here. The Ep is alost ready to go, and along with that it has finally been named. Although personaly i was growing kinda fond of 'untitled Ep', but unfortunetly...
Posted by on Tue, 15 May 2007 11:46:00 GMT