Ben, the Jewish Green Giant profile picture

Ben, the Jewish Green Giant

I'm just a soul who's intentions are good.

About Me

I'm a guy, and I was born in awesome sunny So. Cal., but I've been living 2 miles outside Chicago for the past 19 years. I have this calm cali/chicago attitude, and I think it's a positive thing.
I just moved to Vegas... I am a calm, respectful , laid back individual.
Sometimes I work out to relieve stress, or cure anger.
I think the pain you get from stretching just a little farther than you should feels real good.
I'm an artist, and a photographer at heart.
Sometimes I draw, sculpt, paint, photoshop, 3D rendering... everything and anything has the potential to become art when it gets to my hands.
I'm responsible... well... for the most part.
Be careful... I may make you smile.
Before you know it, you may become my friend.
And you're going to like it.
I'm not much of a drinker.
I don't smoke cigarettes.
I'm a thinker...
I'm serious when I need to be.
And funny when I can be.
I'm just... me.
Visit my Deviant Art site, I have a lot of my pictures there. Leave comments (join in you have to), let me know what you think.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Check out My DEVIANT ART I want to meet all people, but mostly:

Other artists.

People who want to be a part of art

such as models, scultpers, welders... anyone who is into art.

Nice people.

People with ethics, and morals.

I'm tired of meeting people who just want to take advantage of someone because they associat being nice, with being naive.

People who share the same... extra-curricular activities that I do. or don't lool negativley on those that do.

People who don't think they are above everyone else

and no religious fanatics either... but cuture is ok.

No stalkers, no liers, no thieves, no users, abusers or pushers (to bring back the 80's).

People who like to chill.

People who read, or have enough intelligence to but choose not to (maybe because it helps to bring down the man?).

People that are just... people.

Leave me a comment in my nifty comment box thingy here.

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Rock, Punk, Hip-Hop, Techno, Trance, Rap...


As long as there is action, suspence, drama, good acting, and originality... chances are I'll watch it... and I'll like it.


I used to read at least 5 books a week. I used to be hungry for knowledge. Now, I'm thirsty for other kinds of knowledge. Techy knowledge stuff. How to make things. How to build things. Creative, and intuitive things.


Anyone who can challenge my mind, and make me think. And I don't mean people who just challenge me. That's just annoying.