melissa♥ profile picture


we accept the love we think we deserve.

About Me

my name is melissa, i'm 17 years old. I have repect for everyone even if I do hate them. Rob Dyer is the most amazing guy to ever step foot on this earth, he does the most amazing things ever and I adore him. One day I'm going to run away to some foreign country where no one can find me, including the dark lady. Animals freak me out. Mostly hippo's and anything that lives in water or has scales/fur. I watch that stupid soap opera Passions religiously, even though it's become pretty lame over the past 2 years. I never leave my house without eyeliner, and straightening my hair, unless its a complete emergency. Otherwise, expect to wait for me. I'm a lot smarter than most people think I am. I may come off as dumb because I have those moments where I may seem as if I'm stupid, but trust me I'm nowhere near stupid when it comes to reality. Anyways, I use profanity, I'm rude sometimes, I judge people, I do a lot of things people shouldn't do but I will always stick to my word when I say i'll never get high, smoke, or drink alcohol. That gets you nowhere in life. It might make you feel better, but in the end you just end up looking like a complete idiot and what you don't realize is people aren't laughing with you, they're laughing at you.

My Interests

i like bubbles and trees and purple and kittens and disney movies and enviornment friendly products and flamingos and hearts and polka dots and lime green objects and facebook and gay boys and cameras and cellphones and turtles and ice cream and the name elizabeth and the animal channel and oranges and skate4cancer and goldfish and bright walls and popsicles, but thats just off the top of my head

I'd like to meet:

Rob Dyer.


Elvis Presley and Metro Station and Lights ♥


cheesey movies like The Notebook & a walk to remember.


Big Brother. Ellen. That is all.


The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Burned, Go Ask Alice, and Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever.


My Grandfather, Gino Manuel Medeiros(RIP, I miss you<3),
Rob Dyer,
and of course, Joel Madden.
These people are amazing and I could care less what you say or think of them.

My Blog

Rob Dyer

    Cancer is something that can't always be controlled. People are constantly feeling bad for others who have it, but only a few of us actually try to make a big change towards cancer su...
Posted by melissa on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 03:18:00 PST

Joel Madden;

I don't care what everyone on myspace thinks about this. If you don't like good charlotte, joel madden, or me.. don't read this. It's simple.    Joel Madden literally changed my life, W...
Posted by melissa on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 01:49:00 PST