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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm Jane Elizabeth Morris. I was born on the 7th September 1987 which right now makes me 21. I live in a village called Probus, in Cornwall but have recently moved to Manchester to study BA(Hons) History of Art and Design at Manchester Metropolitan University for three years. I have long brown hair and blue eyes and I'm approximately 5'11".Here are some things I like: My friends and family, music, watching films, Roseland crew, alcohol, photography with film, Grampound Crew, my priest of a Dad (free pass to Heaven for me), the French, Paris although I've never been, New York, Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, my brother David (what a genius musical hippy he is) and his wife Beth (couldn't ask for a better sister-in-law), my Mum and how we're like friends, Mark and his fingerz, Ewan McGregor, MySpace, Hustle, being drunk, Becky's parties + strobe light, bread, Sex and the City, Millz freestyling pissed, parties at Carne, beach BBQs in general, Jason, Southern Comfort and lemonade, Blazin' Squad + Emily, my flute even though I don't play it anymore, my bass even though I can't play it at all, my amp as a chair, trains, smoking joints by the river in Tresillian, Perranporth, London, thunderstorms, my Timberlands and how they make me feel gangsta, the internet, Offy crew, Russell Brand, orgasm, Lost, L2, Apple Sourz, crumpets, sleepovers with Kat and Shanti, rosé wine, accents (Scottish and French in particular), graffiti, Ross Noble, the way my eyes go really bright blue when I cry, eyeliner, (burnt) toast, H&M, the cinema and popcorn, autumn days when it's bright and sunny but there's a really cool breeze, two-tone, Murmur, black-coffee-no-sugar-cheers-mate, the London tube system, Dawniiieee, Aragorn, men that look like Aragorn but with Scottish accents and kilts, Manchester (Metropolitan University), my lovely Ruskin housemates + honorary members Helen and Anna, pugs, sarcasm, cynicism, Steven Newton. My friends. Again.

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