Create your destiny and love the lord...amen profile picture

Create your destiny and love the lord...amen

From Westchester to Brooklyn....I'm Clark Kent in da Ghetto....Life is Good

About Me

I'd like to meet wrist slitting midgets, condoleeza rice's evil twin sister, egyptian coke whores, sexy homeless people, two-headed tarantulas, nymphomaniac cartoon characters, mother theresa's girlfriend, alcoholic polar bears, penis cupping history professors, the itch that I cannot scratch, aneorexic nuns, androgenous anchor men, fathers of poppy seed addicts, kings who fuck watermelons on the weekend, marijuana driven monks, hermaphrodites with crystal dick, puppets who are pedophiles, bipolar pirates with fat asses, kiddie porn stars, mutes that secretly talk to themselves, , anal poking aristocrats, shit eaters with fresh breath, transvestite gunea pigs, amiable serial killers, mariah carey's high note, prostitues in postal work, mona lisa's dead cat, aichmophobic tatoo artists, the breast milk hitler slowly sipped, lonely guys who eat french fries, colored pen obsessives, vouging eskimos, and martians obsessed with hamburger helper.....I don't want to meet negative people, pessimists, losers, people with no goals, dreams, or aspirations, myspace psychos, people who think they knowme when they don't, wannabes, wannabe wannabes, people with no hustle, and people with tuna fish stuck in their braces (yuck)....

My Interests

"Super Ball Sunday (Club Kid Like an Animal)

- "

I'd like to meet:

DC Awards Ball



(001) Your gender: Hottie
(002) Straight/gay/bi?: Guess
(003) Single?: Yes sir
(004) Want to be?: Sometimes no, most of the time, YES
(005) Age?: 23
(006) Age you wish you were?: 16
(007) Your label?: BelovedOne
(008) Your height?: 5'7'', i'm short
(009) Your eye color?: Brown
(010) Any piercings?: 2 in mah ears
(011) Any tattoos?: 1, but i desperately need more
(012) Smoke: 420
(013) Drink: On occasion, not often
(014) Do drugs: No
(015) Read the newspaper: Sometimes
(016) Talk to strangers who IM you: No...
(017) Like to walk in the leaves: Yea, that sounds nice
(018) Take walks in the rain: Um...I don't want my hair or my fitted getting wet
(019) Drive: I don't have a license but I take my chances every now and then...hehe
(020) Like to drive fast?: No, i'm a nerovus wreck
(021) Hurt yourself: Um...thats scary
(022) Have a job: I betta'
(023) Like who you are: Hell yea
(024) Consider love a mistake: can never be a bad thing, if it hurts, it aint love
(025) Base your judgement on looks alone: Look for yourself...I aint gotta tell ya lol
(026) Do you like/love someone?: I probably admire someone, but i dont remember who right now
(027) Been caught doing some thing your weren't supposed to be doing?: Yea....hahah...a couple things
(028) Been in love: Yes...
(029) Done drugs: 420...
(030) Gone skinny dipping: Um...can't remember
(031) Had a surgery: No...
(032) Ran away from home: I tried when i was like 4...but I didn't know where to go
(033) Played strip poker: Yea...
(034) Gotten beat up:, I got bodyguards lol
(035) Been on stage: Everyday
(036) Slept outdoors: Yea...I used to be a boyscout
(037) Pulled an all-nighter: Try an all-weeker lol
(038) Talked on the phone all night: Yea of course...although I hate being on the phone lol
(039) Had an X-ray: Just for the dentist
(040) Had detention: O yea...I lived there
(041) Been suspended: Yes
(042) Been Expelled: No...I was bad, but didn't get caught
(043) Slept all day: Mmmhmm, sounds like a good idea now lol
(044) Killed someone: Wow...what a question
(045) Made out with a stranger: No comment haha
(046) Had sex with a stranger?: No comment
(047) Kissed the same sex: Yea...I'm good at that lol
(048) Done anything sexual with the same sex? Yes sir...
(049) Been betrayed: Yea, unfortuneately
(050) Broken the law: Too many times
(051) Been arrested: Once for something reeeaaallly stupid
(052) Been on radio/TV: Yea, both
(053) Been in a mosh-pit: was some crazy shit
(054) Had a nervous breakdown: No...God got my back
(055) Been criticized about your sexual performance: comment
(056) Had a dream that kept coming back: Yes...
(057) Seen your favorite band play: No...I've never been a concert type person
(058) Owned a pair of big sunglasses: No...not too big
(059) Worn a huge hat: No...they are always fitted
(060) Judged other people by their clothing: Yea of course
(061) Been told you have good taste: Most definetly
(062) Been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: Yea...thas a good combo
(063) Been used?: No...imagine that
(064) Been in an abusive relationship?: No...I'd fuck dat nigga up lol
(065) Life on other planets: Yes most definetly...
(066) Miracles: Through the Lord
(067) Astrology: Yea, it kind of makes sense
(068) Magic: God's magic
(069) God: All praise HIM
(070) The Devil: Yes, he loves bothering me
(071) True Love: Yea, most definetly
(072) Ghosts: No...although I thought I saw one once
(073) Rebirth: Nah, thas some crazy shit
(074) Love at first sight: No...Just lust at first sight, i'm good at that lol
(075) Ying and Yang?: I dunno...
(076) Witches: No, although their culture and customs are interesting
(077) The Easter Bunny: Yea...he's hot
(078) Santa Clause: Oh yea, he's even more sexy
(079) That you laughed at: Duann
(080) That laughed at you: Duann
(081) That hurt you: Can't remember
(081) That turned you on: #7
(082) That kissed you: Haha
(083) That hugged you: DaShaun
(084) That you went shopping with : DaShaun, we got our Nintendo DS!!!
(085) To disappoint you: I don't rely on anyone nor have any expectations so dissapointment doesn't come easy
(086) That made you cry: I watched the "Wedding Crashers" and laughed so hard I cried
(087) That brightened up your day: My apartment
(088) You saw a movie with: Mah boi David
(089) You talked to on the phone: MarQuise
(090) You talked to on text message: Derek
(091) You to on IM: Jailo
(092) That made you smile: Duann
(093) That made you laugh: DaShaun
(094) That saw you cry: I think Roxy...but that was yeeeaarrsss ago
(095) That bought you something: Nobody ever buys me shit lol
(096) That danced with you: I don't dance wit no one
(097) That you have a crush on: Haha...
The Whats...
(098) What do you find romantic?: Creativity...when someone really uses their brain to treat you nice
(099) What are your turn-on's?: Sexy Intelligence and A nice body
(100) What are your turn-off's?: Losers
(101) What is best about the opposite sex?: I dunno, I love boyz lol
(102) What is best about the same sex?: They are just hot lol
(103) What is the last present someone got you?: My parents giving me life, and supporting me throughout my years till this day. Thank u mom and dad for alllll you've given me!!!
(104) What makes you happy?: The little things
(105) What is your B-day?: October 4th
(106) What is your favorite movie?: The Color Purple, Devil Wears Prada, Le Vita E Bella, The Wedding Crashers, BeLoved, Meet the Fockers,
(107) What is your favorite band?: Evanessance
(108) What is your favorite type of movie?: Comedy and Horror
(109) What is your favorite season?: Spring and Summer (nights only)
(110) What is your favorite month?: I never thought about it...I dunno
(111) What is your favorite Holiday?: Christmas
(112) What is your favorite language?: English although French sounds the prettiest
(113) What is your favorite thing to do?: nothing at all lol
(114) What is your favorite color(s)?: RED
The Who's...
(115) Your best friend(s): Dujuan, Dashuan, and Foxy in no special order
(116) The one person you can trust with any thing?: DaShaun
(117) Your favorite singer?: Mariah, Brandy, John Legend, Usher, Coko, and Beyonce
(118) Your favorite Actor?: Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Brad Pitt,
(119) Your favorite Actress?: Angelina Jolie, Hallie Berry, Scarlett JoHanson, Meryl Streep
(120) Your favorite President?: ME...I"M IN CHARGE OF ALL YOU BITCHES! r

My Blog

I love the Lord

I love life. God has been so good to me. I am so blessed. I can't say this enough. God has truly allowed me to be ME...and its such a great feeling. I can never be discouraged. I have everything...
Posted by Create your destiny and love the lord...amen on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 09:32:00 PST

About to jump..

I am truy blessed to be a child of God..he gave me an answer yesterday, and because I know He never fails, I think I am ready to take this risk. A leap of faith is all He asks. I have to jump. I owe...
Posted by Create your destiny and love the lord...amen on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:40:00 PST