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Punk Till Death
*Who am I*
I am exactly who i am and who i want to be.
Basically, im a happy little punk chick who skanks her
way through life being as creatively free as possible
while living in a world of my own.
Punk Rock is Freedom!!
*i am who i am and no one can change that.
*im a charity shop child
*im a happy, free spirit in love with life and being.
*i dont't drink or smoke
*my name is Henry
*im a sentimental Horder
*im friendly
*i don't care what other people think about me-it's a waste of time.
*i have strong morals and principles i wont deter from.
*i have my own published Zine called Quiddity
*i manage a punk band called Just About Done
*i have a gig organising company called 'Punk Till Death'
*im a film student
"Being fake is for Barbies"
i LOVE music!! art, movies, reading and getting completely lost within my mind!
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