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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.If you don't know me that well,i'm Rebecca ,I'm a mom of a 13 year old son , can you belive that ? I can't !I like movies and music and comics and regular books and all that crap that everyone likes.I like to " party " and get into lots of trouble all the time .Ilove to talk and talk and ialk all night long ,if you let me.I spend my days procrastinating and wasting my precious time.I just want to talk to all my old and current friends and anyone else I ;ve known over the years.If you think you know me I'd be more then happy to hear from you.

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My Blog

Mother's Day

Being a mom is great and it sucks . No matter what you do if your kid does'nt turn out right everyone will blame you .Well I just want to say for the record I've made mistakes . I admit it .Some were ...
Posted by on Sat, 06 May 2006 16:52:00 GMT