World of Warcraft, its like crack yo. Stop judging me!! I'm not ashamed of the way I live! I dig the video games and if you dont like that, piss off i'm tired of defending my self to people about it. I like to go wake boarding with my buddies, and by that I mean drive the boat I suck at the other part. Snow mobiling is a blast i've only done it a couple times though, also I want to get into paintball again. Super Smash Bro. addict as well.
CENTERI'm an Undead!
Having broken free from the tyrannical rule of the Lich King, a renegade group of undead seek to retain their own free will while destroying all those who oppose them. Known as the Forsaken, this group is dedicated to serving their leader, the banshee queen Sylvanas Windrunner. These dark warriors have established a secret stronghold beneath the ruins of Lordaeron's former capital city. Situated deep beneath the cursed Tirisfal Glades, the labyrinthine Undercity is a sprawling bastion of evil. Within its shadowy confines, Sylvanas' royal apothecaries scramble to develop a devastating new plague - one which will not only eradicate their hated Scourge rivals, but the rest of humanity as well. To further their dark aims, the Forsaken have entered into an alliance of convenience with the primitive, brutish races of the Horde. Holding no real loyalty for their newfound comrades, the Forsaken have duped them into fighting against their common enemy - the Lich King. Only time will tell how these disciples of doom will fare in their mission of vengeance. (Bio borrowed from )
What World of Warcraft race are you?
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V for Vendetta, Corpse bride, Moulin Rouge, The Nightmare Before Christmas, anything by tim burton really...expect planet of the apes, that one sucked. Black Hawk Down, big Fish, Phonebooth, Edward Scissor Hands, thats all I can think of off the top of my head.
Family guy, Simpsons, and 24, Jack Bauer is the shiz!!, thats really all I ever watch on TV
One of my favorite books of all time is enders game by Orson Scott Card. i'm also a huge fan of Garth Nix's sabriel series. Also and dont laugh I freaking loved the Animorph series by KA Applegate. There was a book series I read once called the Incarnations of Imortality, I forget the author but they where really cool. I slogged my way through Les Miserable, the full version mind you, once...i'd never do it again but it was worth it the first time.
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