Traveling (esp. road trips!)... been to three other continents other than North America (electronic versions of ALL my trips will be coming shortly): Germany (Cologne, Dusseldorf), Italy (Rome, Pescara, Sorrento, Naples), Belgium (Brussels), Holland (Amsterdam), Luxembourg, France (Paris, Normandy), Tunisia (Tunis... very scandalous and mysterious inhabitants, they reminded me of Eewoks) and the Middle East (Amman, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv), over a series of 4 trips (I need to get these pics onto a CD so I can upload them), love hiking (gone to the highest points of elevation in every state east of the Mississippi River (i.e. NJ's highest point is High Point, in Sussex County, 1,803 feet) AND most of the plains states (ND, SD, NE, KS, OK, TX, AR, LA, MO, IA), mountain biking, dog shows, long walks with my dogs along the Delaware-Raritan Canal and Delaware River with Dave, going out with friends, the beach, clubbing in NYC, bars in New Brunswick... and I'm a master gardener! I have recently taken up oil painting (in my very little spare time) and collecting foreign coins. I love talking politics and have taken an intense interest in Presidential histories.
Hillary Clinton (Future President, 2008)
Bill Clinton (Future First 'Man')
Barak Obama (the first serious Black Presidential Candidate)
Anderson Cooper (the Journalistic Idol of Dave & I)
I am not happy about the fact the Barack is trying to knock Hillary out of the running. Hillary is 60... this is her time to shine. Barack can do his thing AFTER Hillary's 8 years. He should just take the VP seat that Hillary has practially offered him in numerous campaign stops and simply succeed her into the White House.
Keep in mind... it took a Clinton (1993-2001) to clean up after the last Bush (1989-1993)... and it's going to take another Clinton (2009-?) to clean up after this Bush (2001-2009).
103.5 KTU, Z100, WMGQ, Dance, house, pop, 80's, punk... I LOVE ABBA... and Deborah Cox, Black Eyed Peas and many more I can't think of now... But do you really care?
I just watched Babel and the latest Die Hard movie... they were great. Borat is hilarious too.
Law & Order (and its spin-offs), American Idol, Anderson Cooper360, The Weather Channel, Battlestar Galactica (the new series), the Golden Girls, Absolutely Fabulous, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, LOST and of course, the Sopranos. These are not ranked in order of enjoyment as this changes each season.
I have recently taken a liking to Biographies...The Left Behind Series (a great end of times story, set over 12 books) and the DaVinci Code is nice too.