JASON FURNESS profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

*********************************************************** Describing one's self isn't always an easy task. I think we often describe who we want to be perceived as, in place of who we really are...and actions define us much moreso than words ever could. With that said, I'd characterize my personality as being multi-faceted -- some traits are outward, others more reserved, and a few are probably overwhelmingly contradictory. I truly believe in living life to the fullest and doing whatever makes the soul content. Societial pressures and expectations shouldn't be your life's guiding light; rather it's your mind & soul that should lead the way. And I would like to think that I've lived an interesting and, so far, fulfilling life... *********************************************************** Aaron Lewis - Black (Pearl Jam Cover)
Add to My Profile | More Videos *********************************************************** My life in a nutshell: I was born in Bellevue, Washington -- but moved to my mother's native state of California shortly after my parents divorced when I was roughly 2 years old. Other than a brief stint in Orlando, Florida, I lived in San Jose, CA until my last year of high school. As a high school senior, my stepfather changed jobs and moved the family to a small town northeast of Atlanta, Georgia (the thriving metropolis of Toccoa, GA -- Oh, what an experience!), and my parents still reside there today. Upon high school graduation, I received an athletic scholarship to play baseball at a private, christian college in Royston, Georgia (birthplace of baseball great Ty Cobb). Anyone who knows me will tell you that it is no shock that I didn't last long at an overly conservative & strict Christian college :) Anyhow... Shortly after dropping out after 1 semester of college and getting a job in a manufactoring plant, I decided to enlist in the United States Marine Corps. I served 4 years in the USMC, most of which I was fortunate enough to spend in Southern California. After being honorably discharged from the military in the summer of 1997, I moved to sunny San Diego. For the following 6 years, I managed to stay out of trouble long enough to FINALLY earn my Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (minor in Psychology) from San Diego State University. As a graduation present to myself, I took a trip to Europe in July of 2003 - where I broke my arm (I have a titanium plate, 6 screws, & a cool scar or two to prove it!) while running with the bulls at the San Fermin Festival in Pamplona, Spain. Yet, the most memorable experience I had in Europe, one that I'll never in my life forget, is touring the American memorials from World War II in Brittany & Normandy, France. I look forward to visiting Europe again, as I'd love to see Italy and more of Spain (Anyone up for a road trip?)...Around the time the 2005 new year was being rung in, I moved from sunny San Diego to Athens, GA (where my brother is a doctoral student at the University of Georgia), intent on writing a book that I'd been researching for the past year or so. I figured that Athens would be much less distracting than San Diego; however, I can now assure you that my assumption was absolutely false! I'm currently stuck in what seems like a perpetual writer's block -- though I'll finish someday! Initially, the plan was to stay in Georgia & write for no longer than 6 months. Truth be told, it doesn't appear that I'll be leaving Athens anytime soon -- I just can't miss out on experiencing football season in SEC country, now can I?...In 2006, I became co-owner of 2 bars -- Flanagan's & Half Moon Pub...I've met some amazing people here in the South & now understand why folks are so proud of their Southern roots! :) I'm still a California boy at heart, though, so there's no telling where I'll be in 5-10 years (San Diego, LA are favorites...Austin & Las Vegas are also awesome places I've always considered calling home)...In the end -- no matter where life takes me -- I hope to eventually get married, have an even number of kids so that I can play permanent QB, and live happily ever after (or something like that)... *********************************************************** Tool - Stinkfist
Add to My Profile | More Videos *********************************************************** Iraq and I roll
Add to My Profile | More Videos *********************************************************** Toby Keith Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue
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My Interests

Sports (Raiders, Lakers, A's & UCLA Bruins), traveling, movies, music, fitness, comedy shows, jiu jitsu, snowboarding, reading, writing, following current events, and learning about history. In a nutshell, I'm typically quite easily entertained as long as I'm amongst family and/or good friends!!!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who's down-to-earth and has a sense of humor (being able to hold an intelligent conversation from time to time is also a BIG plus!)...


Generally, I enjoy almost all music genres...Alternative Rock, Classic Rock, Punk, Hip Hop, R&B, Country, Classical...certain music seems to fit certain moods.


300, The Lord of the Ring trilogy, Seven, Silence of the Lambs, The Departed, The Passion of the Christ, Good Fellas, Casino, Boondock Saints, Reservoir Dogs, and Lock, Stock, & Two Smokin' Barrels are all awesome flicks!!! As for comedies, Wedding Crashers is one of my favorites...and you can't forget the old Cheech & Chong movies either :) Old School's Frank the Tank, Stiffler from American Pie, and the kids from the South Park movie crack me up to no end!!!!


I love South Park -- funny $hit!!! Other than that, I don't watch much TV unless it's sports, the History Channel, or a news program....and a few of those ridiculous reality TV shows, as well!!!


I'll read anything that's able to hold my interest, though sometimes I feel like I suffer from ADHD...current events and history are probably the type of literature I enjoy the most..."To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child." -- Cicero.


The brave, selfless men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces (Pat Tilman will always stand out in my mind)...My parents & brother...the brilliant Victor Davis Hanson (historian/author)...and author/economist Thomas Sowell... "Peace is the highest aspiration of the American People. We will negotiate for it, sacrifice for it, [but] we will never surrender for it, now or ever." -- Ronald Reagan

My Blog

Preface to my book, "Preserving America's Way"

PREFACE              While standing near the base of the Washington Monument, the panoramic view was simply awe-inspiring.  Directly in fron...
Posted by JASON FURNESS on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 12:31:00 PST

True Heroism...revisited

..> True Heroism... Those with ulterior motives and disdain toward America firmly implanted in their pysche would probably suggest that heroism is embodied in the asinine writings of lunatic left...
Posted by JASON FURNESS on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:58:00 PST

Reflections on 9/11, six years later.

Lessons in WarReflections on 9/11, six years later.by Victor Davis HansonNational Review Online On that day, we watched tape of the doomed in suits diving head first from the burning floors, hoping to...
Posted by JASON FURNESS on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:49:00 PST


PATRIOTISMBy Jason FurnessThe alleged Patriotism of the dissentious protester, activist, or ultra left-winger is not even remotely noteworthy in comparison to the love and devotion to one's country sh...
Posted by JASON FURNESS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

2,000 Dead, in context

2,000 Dead, in Context By VICTOR DAVIS HANSON As the aggregate number of American military fatalities in Iraq has crept up over the past 13 months - from 1,000 to 1,500 dead, and now to 2,000 - publ...
Posted by JASON FURNESS on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 07:19:00 PST

Newsflash: Bush to blame for Hurricane!!!

As if suggestions that 5 years of President Bush's environment policies were the cause of Hurricane Katrina weren't silly enough, the absurdities just got more absurd!  Bush campaign he...
Posted by JASON FURNESS on Tue, 06 Sep 2005 01:51:00 PST

"Tough Love"...Is anyone responsible for their actions anymore?

I'm sure I'll be seen as insensitive by many people, but when reading the attached article about Sharon Osbourne discussing her daughter's latest stint in rehab the only thing that comes to mind is YO...
Posted by JASON FURNESS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Jan 16th...Quote of the day...

"A clean conscience makes for a great pillow." -- unknown author
Posted by JASON FURNESS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Dec 22nd...Quote of the day...

"Activism is a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a ...
Posted by JASON FURNESS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Dec 21st...Quote of the day...

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for whi...
Posted by JASON FURNESS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST