Certified Sports Junkie, hanging with the crew(you know who you guys are), socailizing, just drivng aimlessly, road trips(right spinner?)living life to its fullest, golfing, fishing, playing chess.
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country, rock, classic rock, oldies, easy listening.... ok, ok, I'm one of those guys that listen to everything....is it wrong to listen to Elton John and enjoy it?
Bull Durham, A Bronx Tale, Heat, Harlem Knights,Rent
Sportscenter, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy(thanks alot Danielle),Three Stooges reruns
The Big Show, When it was a Game, White Fang and Call of the Wild
Regina Heise Redmon, my loving wife. Those who knew her understand that she showed the world that life is too short and live life to the fullest no matter what life throws your way. I will always love her!!!!! She indeed is an angel.