Good company, relaxing or outdoor fun with my little one, dancing, reading, and cooking for family and friends. Good times!
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No, I am not your average girl, I do enjoy sports...well, most of them. Add good company, food, drinks and I'm lovin every minute of it! I'm still a Daygo girl at heart & gotta stay true to my team. Besides, the Charger & Raider rivalry goes far back to when the Raiders were SoCal and furhter back than that. Talk about some crazy games - that's the real reason we still don't like LA.
I play co-ed soccer and just ran my 2nd 1/2 Marathon (that's 13.1 miles to those who don't know), with the goal to someday do a full marathon. Just a personal goal, but my favorite activity is dancing, there's no better way to let loose!!!..
| View | Add FavoriteThese are pictures GNE's 30th anniversary celebration. One of my best perks for all our hard work, you could never buy tickets to see this. It was an unforgettable day that I'm happy to share
Honest, respectful people who like to have fun - no games.
I enjoy all music genres, I'm open to all music. But I love mi musica en Espanol- it's what moves me!
When I can, I love to go to the movies. Movies on CD are good, but you can't beat the movie theater experience. I like drama and most aciton movies, as long as it has a decent storyline - I won't pass up Indys and documentaries! ..
Ok, so I'm fascinated by medicine, forensics, and the science of our mortality. That's why I'm in the medical field, plus I enjoy a little action in between.
Rain of Gold, The Dirty Girls Social Club(Love my sucias!),Time, Newsweek, Playgirl(J/K)....Enjoy reading when I can, key words, when I can.
My grandparents - thankful for their wisdom which guides me daily and their drive to accomplish so much with so little.
Aire By Intocable Music Video