Sevara profile picture


About Me

Please note: This site is maintained by the students of Sevara and NOT Sevara himself.

Visit for music and information about yoga, qi gong, and meditation!

Message from Sevara

In these times of war and destructive minds, we all need to go within to find serenity. Once serenity is found within we must share it with our brothers and sisters of the world.

Walk consciously among the unconscious
Be awake amongst the sleeping
Remain still in the face of anger
Bring hope to the hopeless

~ Sevara ~

My Interests


Member Since: 23/03/2006
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Sevara Yoga
...movement for mind, body, and spirit

With extensive training in various energetic practices, especially Kundalini Yoga and Qi Gong, Sevara has created a modern system for the new millenium: Sevara Yoga. "I witnessed that many yoga practitioners gained only moderate improvements with their health, but often incurred knee problems," states Sevara. "I also found the greatest improvement in health came from Qi Gong, but often adherents did not attain a deep feeling of spirituality. So I devised a truly wholistic system that improves the Three Aspects: Mind, Body, and Spirit."

Sevara Music
...vibrations that heal

Sevara uses his background as a multi-instrumentalist and healer to create music to heal the soul and awaken the spirit. Sevara was bestowed the name "Seva Singh" (meaning "Lion of Devotional Service") by Yogi Bhajan, who first introduced Kundalini Yoga to the west in the late 1960's.

Sevara Discourses
...wisdom to light the way

Music when created with purity of heart can help raise a person's vibrational level. Movement with specific breathing will assist a person attaining inner peace. But sometimes this is not enough. Words can have an especially powerful effect on an individual if the words speak Divine Truths in easily graspable terms. Sevara Discourses are meant to do just that - touch the heart of the reader and a simple yet profound way.
Influences: Beauty, Compassion, Love, and other good stuff.
Record Label: ESM
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Do not wallow

The following is an excerpt from a letter Sevara wrote to a friend having a tough time coping with life.Sevara writes:Dear L, I turned to a devout spiritual practice of yoga. Though meditation, the us...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 09:32:00 GMT

A prequel to meditation

The question was posed: Lately I'm having a difficult time quieting my mind. Any tips you can share for basic meditation? Specifically, my body seems to be resisting it, so I'm patient and letting it ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 08:20:00 GMT

How do we best keep our balance in the chaos?

The question was posed:"How do you explain what is happening in the world today from a spiritual point of view? How do we best keep our balance in the chaos?"Beloved Friend:Chaos is, has, and always s...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 18:41:00 GMT

What is eternity to you and how do you know there is an eternity?

The question was posed: What is eternity to you and how do you know there is an eternity?My response:Eternity is simply the continuation of the eternal now. The mindcreates the illusion of linear ti...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 06:29:00 GMT

Can suffering give us strength?

Question:Dear Sevara ~This evening I was reflecting on the essence of balance and the yin and yang - having a harmony and balance of the male and female spirit within each of us.I feel this balance le...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 06:14:00 GMT

A Prayer

O Divine Consciousness and Sustainer of Life,We thank thee for the opportunity to exist in this Time and Space, to learn and grow from both joy and sorrow, to experience the depth of our own Infinity....
Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 12:56:00 GMT

Sevara named "Love Ambassador"

March 10, 2008Dear [Sevara],Congratulations - we are delighted to announce you have been accepted as one of our Love Ambassadors. [Name omitted for privacy] recently nominated you for this designation...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 18:21:00 GMT

Does religion unite or segregate?

You state "We must retain our identity of a culture and is that richness that brings us together and enhances the world."I ask you to approach this thought in a different way for a momen...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 07:46:00 GMT journey

As many of you know I was in India for the last month. Now that I have returned, I find myself quite drained emotionally and spiritually, as I process all the sights and sounds that I took in. It was ...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 12:42:00 GMT

Divine Earth Manifesto

2008 is here. It is a new year and a time when many people wish to shed the negative habits and aspects of their past and move forward free of their old baggage. We are heading towards - in fact,...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 00:29:00 GMT