Hannah profile picture


I'm like a fungus, I'll grow on you.

About Me

I'm 21 and I go to Albion College I am double majoring in Anthropology and Religious Studies, in hopes of entering the Peace Corps after graduation then eventually making it back to grad school to become a professor. Albion is not the most exciting school on the planet but my friends and I usually have a great time, even if we have to make our own fun. Basically right now I'm just trying to have a good time and figure out who I am and who I want to be. I love meeting people, going new places, and doing things I have never done before and I'm always down for a good time.

My Interests

Guitar, photography, writing, camping, Silver Lake, beer, sunchips, reading, writing, music, purses, football, card games, friends, baking, swimming, and so much more!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that has something interesting to add to a conversation, a funny story to tell, or is into having a good time.


I really like all different types of music. Classic Rock, Country, R & B, basically anything because music has a way of expressing who I am. I can always find a song to relate to or that can describe exactly how I'm feeling. Anyway, I love music and that is all I should have written in the first place.


I would have to say my favorite movie of all time is Seven. I know that makes me sound like a nut job, but it has such a good plot, and great actors and you couldn't ask for a whole lot more in a movie. I also love comedies...The Sweetest Thing is excellent, Napolean Dynamite cracks me up everytime I watch it.


Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Houswives, and of course Friends...I know it's not on the air anymore but that show is my favorite of all time. I also like Real World (gotta love the drama) and I think the show MXC Challenge is hysterical.


Love Monkey, A Farewell to Arms, The Pleasure of My Company, The Ya Ya Sisterhood series, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Perks of Being A Wallflower, The Green Mile, Still Life With Woodpecker, The Catcher in the Rye and soooo many more.


My Grandma Knapp who was an amazing woman and taught me a lot about the important things in life.

My Blog


A few shots and a ciggarette All I need to feel good about life now. I don't know what happened to me, I'm not sure I care. All I know is that I miss you, And I wish you were here. I can't exp...
Posted by Hannah on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST