Requirements of others for positive social interaction with the Kevster: 1. Have a brain (puh-LEEZ have a brain!!) 2. Have an opinion (ya know, like ANY kind of opinion) and be able to represent yourself in a competent, articulate manner. 3. Have some kind of international appreciation and/or awareness. 4. Be damn funny, but also have a serious side (No, really. Ha ha, are you catching on yet?! If not, please see (1) above.) 5. Want to stuff your face on a regular basis with cookies, brownies, ice-cream, cake, or any other hyper-sugary fat- laden distraction that will easily preclude any kind of meaningful human interaction. 6. Realize that solitude is often a goooooood thing. 7. Be as damn cheap as I am! (Optional --as long as you pay for me.) 8. Finally, while sex is OH! so great, I ain't the place to be findin' it. I'd rather you freak my brain than my body.