I am Richard.
To many of my friends I am Dad, for reasons now lost in the mist of time. I have been for many years and always will be.
I've just moved to Hatfield to do the final year of my degree, in motorsport technology.
I love cars, but I can't actually drive one... I spent 4 years in Bath studying Mechanical Engineering, but that didn't quite work out. My four years there were an interesting mix of the most awesome fun and the most horrible time of my life. Then I spent 2 years in Farnborough. Farnborough was a bit rubbish but I made some truly awesome friends there. I moaned a lot about the place and college, but secretly I enjoyed it...
I wear a lot of black and I listen to METAL!!!! but I can't really bothered with the whole "being alternative" thing. I'm mostly just me.