lenak profile picture


raccoon babies

About Me

i love baklava and game nights and bowling and going to serious plays and pretending they're comedies and laughing at everything that happens, and eating banana laffy taffys until i feel sickly and correcting peoples grammar( not to mention constantly misusing words in my own lexicon). I dislike a good majority of fruits and half of them i havent even tried ( and dont try to coax me into trying any), i forget stories people tell me(and sometimes i just dont even listen when you talk), i behave like a fourth grader, i drink too much coffee despite that it makes me anxious, i have an overactive bladder problem but havent done a damn thing to combat it, i put things off for substantially long periods of time, i get pissed off when people use "LOL" directed at me in text messages and consequently ignore them until i forget about it, i like run on sentences and i like to write really awful short stories in which i tell myself i will try and get published but never do, i buy things i dont need on a constant basis but am trying to get better, i have never smoked pot and i never will, i dont think its funny when people tell me they are going to punch me in the ovaries and/or vagina, i didnt like i heart huckabees and i dont care what that makes me, and i cry everytime i see the titanic.something about kate winslet, gets me everytime. <

My Interests

Taboo, sexual tension, baseball games, iced coffee, free iced coffee, free refills,fantasizing about a future where i understand math,free fire wood, free pens, free bottles of water... who am i kidding i love anything free

I'd like to meet:

i would actually like to unmeet some people


anything with a violin. seriously. anything.


everyone should see 2 days In Paris


i went on a dinner date,had the lobster bisque, he came back to my place, yada yada yada, havent talked to him since. but you yada yada'd the best part. no, i mentioned the lobster bisque.


im reading snuff and the memory keepers daughter at le moment


mmmmm oh and james nachtway
Super Heroes Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark

My Blog

Up Next: Homicidal girl kills neighbors dogs in a fit of rage

Saturday morning at SIX in the morning the dogs next door start barking, needy of their sleeping owners attention. No, needy for the attention of every person that is unconscious and would like to rem...
Posted by lenak on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 12:24:00 PST