tHe mAn oF my DreAmS "AmI" (from miami inK).......aww....sOme DaY. MaYbe JaCk BlACk. oH aNd of CourSe JonathAN dOnais frOm shadOws fu*Kin faLL!!!
/()RN, aC/dC, MetaLLicA, SeeTheR, sySteM, cOLd, auDiosLave, sHinedOwn, nirvaNa, piNkfLoyd, crOssFade, breakinG benjaMins, hiNdeR, StaINd, killswitch engage, sLipnOt, gUns N rOseS, traPt, thRee daYS graCe, 3 doors down, static X, lamB of gOD, umMm.....i cAn gO on & oN....shadOws faLL kiCk aSs *eveN beTTer LIVE!! but i LiKe aLL kIndS of MusIc....dEpeNds oN mY moOd...BuT mOstlY metAL, cLassiC roCk & harD RocK. HOT, HOT, HOT. jon is the man!
i'M reaLLy inTo cOmedy......anY moVie thAt's gOing tO mAkE mE laUgh. anD occaTionaLLy a coUple LoVe stOrieS.....I'M a giRL...gottA makE guYs watCh "chicK fLicks" everY oncE and aWhiLe....hehe :)
weLL witH 2 liTTle giRLs anD woRk I doN't haVe tO muCh time for T.V. buT foR awhILe theRe i waS reALLy hoOked on tHat "BacheloR" TraVis waS HOT!!! and he waS a DOCTOR!!!! whErE caN i fiNd me One Of tHOSE!!!????
anYthiNg meDicaL reaLLy inTeresTs me.
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nEed i sAy more!!!!!!
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