Shopping,gotta love my shoes, and I LOVE all my Louis Vuitton bags, Basketball, Baseball, Football, (I'm a huge sports fanatic.)
Michael Jordan, Jay-Z, John Gotti, James Gandolfinni, and Kobe Bryant.
Anything Jay-Z, hip hop, R&B, a little country(it depends)
The Exorcist
, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Love & Basketball
I wake up & go to sleep to Sportscenter on ESPN; I guess probably BET for great music updates; and of course HBO's The Sopranos, & Sex and the City
The Devil Wears Prada is by far one of my fav books b/c I'm so into fashion; My next fav book would be Jenna Jameson's "How to make love like a porn star" great book everyone that is really fasinated by the industry should pick this book up.
Micheal Jordan, My Mom, My Dad, of course the best Step-Dad in the world Robert, and my Grandma!!!Take the quiz:
Which Designer Brand Name is Right for You? *~Pictures~*
Louis Vuitton
You are more moderne and casual. You like to flaunt logos, not skin. You can look sexy, hot, flirty but be classy fun laidback and girly all at the same time! LV is so your brand!
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