rp~Dawnie~*Needs a sister* profile picture

rp~Dawnie~*Needs a sister*

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

My name is Dawn Summers.My Nicknames are Dawnie, Dawnster, Nibblet, Platelet, Little Bit, Sweet Bit.I was supposedly born 1987 in Los Angeles, California ... but she's actually mystical energy (called "The Key") thousands of years old, made human by monks, so she was never actually born. My likes are Spike, magic, Janice and Lisa two of my friends at school, nail polish, cute boys, Slayer stuff, milkshakes, learning, Connor, & Buffy. My Dislikes are being treated "like a kid," being excluded, being left behind, etc. My Biggest fear is abandonment. Skills are whining, screaming, shop-lifting, opening dimensional portals, tardiness, & hairpulling. I did not start out as a human being ... I started out as a vibrating energy matrix called "The Key," an energy force which had the power to open dimensional portals and thereby cause the boundaries between all dimensions to disappear. It is uncertain exactly how old The Key is, but it certainly existed by the 12th century, when the Order of Dagon protected it as their sole purpose, particularly from Glorificus -- or "Glory" -- a hell god who wished to use The Key to get back to her home dimension from which she had been banished. According to Glory, The Key has been around "just this side of forever." Late in the year 2000, Glory located the monks of the Order of Dagon and slaughtered them. Just moments before the slaughter, the monks were able to hide The Key by magically sending it to the Slayer for protection. To ensure that Buffy would protect The Key, the monks gave it human form, as Buffy's heretofore-nonexistent fourteen-year-old sister. In the process, the monks also manufactured memories for everyone: for me, for mom, for Buffy, and for everyone else who would have had contact with her if she had really existed for those fourteen years. They made it all as real as possible, in hopes that this would prevent Glory from finding The Key.Since being turned human, I have had a pretty rough time of it. When I learned that I wasn't a normal fourteen-year-old girl, that my memories were all fake, that I was in reality some sort of mystical energy stuffed into a human body, I flipped out and ran away ... nearly resulting in my getting caught by Glory. Buffy found me and took me home, and they all resolved to treat me as a true member of the family, as Buffy's true sister.Not long afterward, Buffy and I's mother -- Joyce -- died. Their father -- Hank -- apparently never even showed up for the funeral or to make sure his children were being taken care of and provided for. Buffy took over the parental role, but they also still had Glory to worry about. Glory actually did capture me, held me captive, and nearly killed me ... but in the end Buffy's intense love for her sister led her to sacrifice her own life to save me.After Buffy's death, I relied on Tara, Willow, and Spike asmy primary care-givers and support system. Tara and Willow became replacement mother figures, living with me and trying to help give me life some sense of normalcy (a difficult task on the Hellmouth). My friendship with Spike grew even closer, as he took very seriously the oath he had sworn to Buffy before her death ... to protect me until the end of the world. The two of them shared a unique friendship based on a sort of understanding stemming from the fact that both of them are "freaks" of a sort ... and they each accept the other unconditionally. Willow resurrected Buffy without even telling me, resulting in an intense shock when she saw her sister alive again. I was ecstatically happy to have my beloved sister returned to me, but Buffy was different ... withdrawn, emotionally flat, burdened, depressed. My previous minor delinquency became more pronounced as she strove to attract her sister's attention: she began increasingly cutting classes at school, stealing things, lying, and throwing temper tantrums. Social services became concerned, and seriously considered removing me from the Summers home to put me in foster care, believing that Buffy was not providing adequate care. This threat seemed to make me only more unhappy and sullen, especially when Buffy suddenly became distracted by her secret sexual liaison with Spike. I felt neglected ... because I was.Just when it seemed that my life couldn't get worse, her replacement-mother Willow became extremely reckless in her usage of magic, nearly killing me in the process. And then Buffy herself tried to kill me (and the rest of the Scooby gang) not long afterward, while under the hallucinogenic influence of a demon's poison. And then -- just when it seemed things definitely couldn't get any worse -- my other replacement-mother, Tara, was killed ... Willow went destroy-the-world-type evil ... and Spike skipped town after attempting to rape my sister.Every parental figure I had ever relied upon had abandoned me, or worse. My father, Hank, has shown almost no interest in his children since the divorce. My mother, Joyce, died. Her sister, Buffy, died. My surrogate father, Giles, moved back to England. My surrogate-mom, Tara, died. My other surrogate-mom, Willow, turned evil and nearly killed mr. my surrogate-big-brother, Spike, skipped town without even telling me. It's no wonder the I have some emotional problems!This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5

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Other role players if you dont have rp in front of your name i wont add you sorry

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