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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am ready to make some changes in my life. Took a lot of support from people I care about to really open my eyes about life and about everything in general. I've recently gone through a "rebirth" if you want to call it that. No more dwelling about the past, or even the "what if's" in the future. It's about whats going on at THIS moment. I realize that looking at anything else will NOT make me happy. Only when I take in this moment, will I feel the way I want to feel. I am a person that has made mistakes, will continue to make mistakes, and hopefully, will learn from those mistakes to build me up to the man I want to be. =)I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics

My Interests

Learning about new things, new cultures, new behaviors. Im interested in learning to become a proper gentlemen. To know the ins and outs of learning how to behave in a certain atmosphere. I want to learn how to cook. Something else besides microwavible foods PLEASE! I'm interested in traveling. Granted the only time I left California was a few weeks ago when I went up to Seattle. Someday, when I'm not living off Ramun noodles in college. And then theres the usual videogames stuff. Final Fantasy Rocks!!! Part 7 is the best I tell ya. =) I like working. I also like being lazy. Anything that gets me though the days. I'm always interested in meeting new people and see what they can teach me in life. Whether it be something about the world, or something about myself.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people who are truely honest with themselves. People who doesnt bring drama or pain into their lives when there really shouldn't be. If someone can teach me a thing or two about life, then more power to them.


Pussycat Dolls, Gavin Degraw, Josh Grobin, Mariah Carey, Sade, Ryan Cabrera, Black Eyed Peas, Natasha Bedingfield... to name a few. Im trying to listen to everything. Doesnt hurt ya?


THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR! Phantom of the Opera, Brokeback Mountain. Final Fantasy Advent Children, Shrek 1 and 2, Legally Blonde, Face Off, Memoirs of a Geisha, Bone Collector, Miss Congeniality, Lord of the Ring series, X-men 1 and 2, Gladiator, to name a few...


Heroes, Everyday Italian with Giada, Gilmore Girls and What I Like About You. Reba, ANTM, General Hospital. Occasionally, Desperate Housewives. Hell even Pokemon! No comments please.


How to be a Gentlemen. How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable About Anything. The entire Chronicles of Narnia series. The Great Gatsby. Of Mice and Men.


I would have to say people who make a difference in a positive way in the world. There's no way you can NOT respect that. I also believe in people who are able to gain control in their lives. I know a lot of people who are struggling to get though the day. There's also people who actually do something about it and work to make their lives better. What's better than that?