So name's Dan, I'm 26, don't really have a place to call home right now, maybe one of these days I will. If you want to know anything about me you can pick up any astrology book and just read the chapter on Leo's, that pretty much covers everything I am. To break it down, without love I honestly don't have a whole lot to live for, at this point in my life the things I truly love are my best friends and my career, I love what I do and I love the people I surround myself with, they might not live near me but my heart is still with them.-------------------------------------------------------
- When you're friends with me you never have to stand alone, you can get yourself into the worst possible situation and I'm going to be there standing tall next to you ready to help you fight your way out. Once you make friends with me you never lose me, I'm a friend for life, I never forget those who have been there for me and your kindness and friendship will always be repaid ten-fold.---------------------------------------------------
------------------A few things I will not stand for cheaters, liars, or cowards,at some point in my life I have fallen short of trying to be better than everything I hate, but like everyone else in this world I'm far from perfect, I learn and grow with every mistake I make.-------------------------------------------------------
-----I look up to a lot of people, everyone I have ever been friends with has helped me become the man I am today, I am far from being perfect and I still have a lot of growing to do before I become the man I aspire to be, hopefully I'll be there someday but unil I do I will continue to take everything in life as a learning experience.-------------------------------------------------
---Everyday I learn something new about myself, sometimes I surprise myself and find a new quality deep inside me that I feel has made me a better person, and other times I look back at the end of the day and wish I could have been a bigger man. As I said before I am about as far as one can get from being perfect as one can be but I will never stop aspiring to reach that level, and everyone who has made an impact on this journey holds a special place in my heart.
///////////////////Only the dead have seen the end of war -Plato
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !