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get naked yu beezie ..

About Me

i'ma kEEp it shOrt, i knOw mOst Of yu think juss cause yu knOw my name + yu see me in tha hOod yu gOt it in yur head yu knOw me.
yu dOnt knOw nOthin Of me. mayn + bitChez stOp cOpin my shit. gOd damnit ; i knOw wha i say is 100% reaL . . itz wha i dO. i give a fuCc if i'm nOthin tO yu. because yur nOthin tO me. tha OnLy persOn that wiLL ever knOw me ; is me yOu beezie.
and thatz tha way itz aLwaiez gOnna be.
[ ©lOca said it ]
. . yu can't knOcC me . .
Name NeLLy
beTTer knOwn as LoCa
hOmetOwn 916 MACCAMENTO where we lay em dOwn
restin my head 916 nutty nOrth
age 18 dummy like yeee yeee
birthday nOvember 5th
bOo sTatz i gOt sOme azn up in me
taTz 3
piErCingz 9
wha it dO addictz.. this is me. hate it Or lOve it ;
either way i'ma dO me nO maTTer wha.
- On sOme reaL sHit -
fOr thOse Of yu whO dOn't knOw ; i'm a dOwn ass femaLe. yes, i am OnLy 18, but dOn't get it twisted ; i get dOwn fOr mine when tha time is necessary.
i drank + i smOke
i beLieve in gOd ; but nOt Organized reLigiOn
i am a few friez shOrt Of a happy meaL
i rOcC a mean shOe game
i beLieve in karma ; but i dO nOt behave aCcOrdingLy
i sOmetimes find pieCes Of my heart layin arOund
i beLieve if yu dream it lOng enOugh it wiLL cOme true
i'm bOrderline crazii ; HA "bOrderline"
sOmetimes i laugh Out lOud fOr nO reasOn
i lOve my chinO
hip hOp head sinCe cOnceptiOn
i lOve musiC with a purpOse
[ take aLL that bLing-bLing buLLshit tO tha neXt bish ]
sOmetimez i get lOst in my Own thOughtz
yes ; we get in saC
i'm reaLLy nOt interested in aLL yur buLLshit + liez
[ kEEp it mOvin ]
i dOn't get aLOng with femaLez tOo much
[ sO juss knOw i wiLL take yO ass Out tha game ]
i hate Out Of pOcceT hOz ;
yu need tO stOp it
i'm Obssesive cOmpuLsive at times
i am a D girL ; whO need it?
i gO dummii reTarded + ride tha yeLLOw bus
i think stereO.typez are cOp.Outz
....i AM tha ameriCan dream.....
i lOve sacramentO ; but nOt aLL tha chiCcen headz
fuCc wha yu heard
[ lemme shOw yu punk rOcCz wuhz hOOd ]
get dOwn Or lay dOwn ; live by it
i'm a prOduCt Of tha gheTTO
it'z gOnna take mOre that jus
a buLLet in tha heart tO kEEp
me dOwn . . lOve it Or leave it . .
addiCtive like crystaL tO meth . [ ©lOca said it ]
tO aLL tha peOpLe Out there whO
have judged me withOut knOwin
me . . whO have tried tO hOld me
dOwn + set up ObstacLez in my
path tO success . . i thank yu . .
yu have taught me tO be strOng . .
tO believe + reLy On myseLf
yu have givin me tha wisdOm tO
use reasOn tO taLk my way
Out Of tOugh situatiOnz . . + aLsO
tha cOurage tO cOme Out swingin
when pinned dOwn . . whO waLked with me
in tha shadOw Of death . .
yu wiLL nOt gO unfOrgOTTen . .
haTerz + friendz + lOverz;
yu reap wuh yu sow . .
by my side ; Or by my swOrd
hOw wiLL yu gO Out? [ ©lOca said it ]
i sTay On yur mind . .
yu try tO knOcC my husTLe . .
but yur nOt On my leveL
like AntwOn FisHer ; i'm sTiLL here
swOLLOw that + chOke [ ©lOca said it ]
cOnstantLy changin . .
evOLvin, grOwin + becOmin a site
fOr sOre eyes . . as i rise ; + stand before my peers
strOnger ; prOuder ; cOnfident ; frEE
free tO be me with nO fears Of rejeCtiOn . .
finaLLy remOvin tha mask that hid my true beauty
beCause i am me ;
nO lOnger sCared tO shOw my true cOlOrs ;
beCause Of my lOngin tO fit in.
finaLLy seTTin my Own standards . .
raisin tha bar ; sO either step it up
Or faLL baCc
cause this is tha beggining Of a revOLutiOn [ ©lOca said it ]
i'm tha great pretender . .
cOntrOdiCtin + manipuLatin yur mind
yu come at me daring ;
tryin tO lOok dEEper intO my eyez. but be carefuL
yu might nOt like wuh yu see.
yu'LL find my inner demOn staring straight bacc at yu.
these cOLd heartLess eyez cOnning yu ;
tO dO aLL tha things yu shOuLdn't dO
i'm tha great pretender pLayin games with yur mind
teLLin yu tha truth ;
but i dOnt mean it
sO that makes it a lie.
i'm tha great pretender . .
tha things i've seen + dOne yu can OnLy imagine.
aLL my sins put tOgether make my sOuL massive.
i'm tha great pretender [ ©lOca said it ]
because i'm sOmethin like a bish ;
i'ma sTay driLLed tO their dOmes . .
because they're my shadOws . .
they bOutta be like "jus like lOca said" BLAH.BiTCHEZ
last laugh hOz lOca dOnt care abOut yu . .
my name aint knOwn tO tha wOrLd ; yet [ ©lOca said it ]
. OnLy a dumb niCca faLLz fOr a triCc twiCe .
[ ©lOca said it ]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

babii mama "deeLiciOus"

girL ; wha CANT i say abOut yu?? haha . i knOw yur whOLe damn life stOry beezie. frOm tha time when yu first mOved Over here + i was a YOUNGSTA baCc in yur rave dayz tiL nOw. damn bitCh we been thrOugh everything. yO animaLz tO yO babiez.. haha i was there fOr it aLL! and yu was dOwn when it was time tO thrOw sOme fadez ; pregnant + aLL! i lOve yu babii mama..

liL sis "babii girL"

mena.. this past 3 yearz me + yu gOt heLLa cLOse. yu've grOwn up sO much sinCe the first time i met yu. shit ; even thOugh yur stiLL OnLy 13 yOu act sO much like me i fOrget yur a yOungsta stiLL. LMAO. ima alwaiez be there tO ride fOr yu mama, yu have my wOrd. yur beautifuL yu liL sLant eye. member that.,

prima "liL lOca"

LETi! me + yu tOgether = ALL BAD! - reaL taLk - i wish sOme mark ass hOz wOuLd try tO hit us up.. niCca we wiLL kiLL a bitCh! i knOw i aint been arOund like i used tO ; but jus knOw itz nOt juss yu. i went MiA On everyOne.. im gLad we gOt in cOntaCt again mija. this time dOnt lOse me! mmuahzz

hOmegurL drEa

yu "asshOLe".. iT was me OK! iLL finaLLy admit it. i was tha One sTaLkin yO fine ass! HAHAHA .. yawp ; i lOvez me sOme of dat 209z finest hyna.. + yur beautiful liL girL! yur luCcy tO have such a pretty daughter. One Of these dayz i knOw yur finaLLy gOnna cOme kiCc it with ya girL lOca.. fa reaL asshOLe.. but ey ; i wOuLdnt wear that 49er jersey Over here unLess yu wanna be shirtLess! HA - RAiDERZ -

prima "payasa"

mama i knOw thangz is rOugh right nOw. but jus member lOcaz here fOr yu whenever. dOnt give up aight.. everything wiLL wOrk Out fOr tha best. nO maTTer what way it dOes happen tO gO iT WiLL BE FOR THA BEST. member wha yu said.. yur dOin it fOr vaeh ; and shez aLL that maTTerz. yeah itz gOnna hurt fOr a whiLe nOw.. but think abOut after tha pain is gOne + yur nOt stressin On tha buLLshit anymOre, life is gOnna be sO much easier. it suCcz i knOw.. and i hate tO be tha One tO say it but yu gOtta feeL me ma. i lOve yu micheLLe ; alwaiez keep yur head up -- fOr navaeh

prima "muneca"

i cant fuCcin beLieve we knOw eachOther cause i taLked tO wiLL fOr a whiLe.. LMAO! i guess i shOuLd say thankz tO wiLL huh! i miss taLkin tO yu everyday. befOre i busted my ceLLy i used tO text yu and shit aLL tha time.. i even caLLed yO ass a few times.. but i gOtz nO answer.. i gOt my new ceLLy but nOw i dOnt have yur number.. and i hate gOin On yur myspace page cause it makez my cOmputer freeze. HAHA but i want tO make sure yu knOw i been tryin. One day when i finaLLy get a hOLd Of yu ima cOme see my nephew.. i lOve yu prima




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the feelings i have for you cannot be expressed in words they can only be felt its hard to explain where they come from but i know they are true i fall again. ©opyright 2006 - lOca ...
Posted by . . like this . . on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:20:00 PST


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Posted by . . like this . . on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:19:00 PST