Family & Friends First.
Married to perfection.
Sharing moments.
Stayin in shape.
Tech freak*(gadgets)
Laid back to the max.
Love music and laughing.
Layout by CoolChaser
Ive met her, love her, and put a ring on it! but if i was ever just walking down the street and had the opportunity to pick some minds..these would be the minds i would pick at...Doc Holiday.Howard Hughes.Victor Martinez. Ivanka Trump. Miles Davis,Timothy Leary,Jack Kerouac,Conor Oberst,Buddy Rich, Richard Pryor, Salvador Dali, MC Escher,Tupac Amaru Shakur,Charles Bukowski, Keith Olberman,Jake Gyllenhaal,Mark Wahlberg,Socrates,Adam n Eve,JAWS, Hudini,Ghandi,Jesus,Lucipher,Aliens, The Abyssal Plain, Spiral Galaxy,Lisa Ling, ...