Erica profile picture


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About Me

Beautiful and intelligent! My motivation is knowing that all I do and go through will lead me to success. I enjoy relaxing and spending time with those close to me. I am a people person and I really enjoy meeting people who have the desire to discover,understand, and fulfill thier purpose in life. Oh yeah, I love to smile...if I smile at you consider it a good thing! Smooches value="id=img331/2212/1157755367m2h.smil" /Voice Player Get Your Own Voice Player Manage

My Interests

My biggest interest is cosmetology and for those of you who know me, you know I am bad. I also enjoy reading because it nourishes the brain.

I'd like to meet:

My Grandfather, Winnie Hampton Abney! (He passed right before I was born). I would also like to meet Michael Jackson, he has issues, but is the baddest entertainer alive. Go Mike. Lastly, I can't wait to meet Jesus! I am sure there are others, but this was what came first.background:I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

Share the you that you'd like others to know (110 questions)
Some basic information - they honestly aren't trick questions!
What is your name?: Erica
What do you feel that your name should mean?: "one who loves unconditionally"
What is the date today? dd/mm/yyyy: 3/29/2007
What was the date you were born? dd/mm/yyyy: 7/10/1982
How many siblings do you have?: none (its just me)
Are your birthparents still married?: no
What color are your eyes?: dark brown
What color is your hair? If it is dyed, give your natural color too: dark brown (auburn/reddish mix in the summer)
What stereotype do people usually lump you with?: RUDE/DIVA!
Do you have a hobby? What?: cosmetology and singing
Where is your favorite place to hang out?: with my place in particular (maybe Waffle House or IHOP)
Do you consider yourself intellegent, average, or stupid?: intelligent of course...can be a little silly tho
How intellegent do others think you are?: pretty smart I think
What do you think about how you look?: I am beautiful man!
What is one thing you are proud of yourself for?: Finishing my Masters Program
Friends - your friends reflect upon your own character
How social are you? Social butterfly, loner, or somewhere between?: social with specific people
What group are most of your friends in?: something that has to do with muaic or church
Do you think you fit with that group of friends?: I only desire to be around those who share common interest...even if it is just a desire to be successful
How many really good friends do you have?: about "10" I know I can count on (suprising isn't it...never thought I would have that many...most are my moms "kids")
How many really good friends have betrayed you in the past?: 6
Do you hate them for betraying you or blame yourself?: I dont hate any of them...some I am still very close with and others I will always love
Who can you trust with your secrets?: Jesus
Who do you spend the most time with?: Seek, Tierney & Shavon
Do you have any penpals?: nope...not since elementary
What qualities do you look for in a friend?: trustworthiness & honesty
Do you make friends easily or are you cautious?: I think I am pretty cautious
Do you have a hard time hanging on to your friends?: no...they love me cuz they know I love them
How much do you tell your friends?: a good bit
Is there something you've been wanting to tell them?: there always is...but sometimes it just may not even matter
Are you interrested in something none of your friends are? What?: antique cars
How much do you think peer pressure affects you?: a little bit
Are you scared sometimes to be yourself even among friends?: no
Is there a certain way they look that you like? What?: yeah...can't really describe it though
Is there certain mental attributes you look for? What?: compassion
How many relationships do you think you go through in a year?: not many at all...I don't take them lightly
How do you feel when those relationships end?: emotions are usually all over the place
If you're not into relationships that much, do you wish sometimes you were?: I think they are beautiful with the RIGHT person
If you're a loner, what do you think of the: what?
Do you have standards or will you date anything with legs?: I have standards man
What was your first love like?: my best friend
If it ended, how did you feel after?: lost...but had to focus on trying to heal
If it hasn't ended yet, how long do you think it'll last?: ?
What is the main reason people break up with you?: I sometimes think I may be too caring...never thought that would be a bad thing tho
What is the main reason you break up with others?: not what I want or what God has for me
Does being alone bother you?: every now and again...if I stay busy, its not too bad I guess
Anything you'd like to have your would-be suiters know?: You have big shoes to fill
Psychology - what is your mind like?
If I gave you a million dollars what would you want to do with it?: pay my tithe & donate to the church, pay off debt, open my business, and buy plenty of shoes...oh yeah invest so my money can make me mo money...gotta have a smooth retirement
What would you probably do with it?: make sure mommy is taken care of
Does your answer change if you think about it more?: not really
Do you have a goal in life?: to live a Godly and successful life
What do you think about before falling asleep?: WOW...can't really put that on here...what I have to do the next day
How often do you remember your dreams?: pretty often
What types of dreams are they?: odd most times
Who do most of your dreams involve?: they are all usually random
Sum up what you think the three main problems are with the world: Greed, Selfishness, A Lack for the true Love of God
What could you do to change those problems?: spread the gospel of Christ...that should handle all three problems
Do you believe people are basically good, neutral, or evil?: good
What is/was the best thing about being a kid?: no responsibility
What movie could you watch again and again? Why?: Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (the of my favorites)
What book could you read again and again? Why?: none really
If you could run your own country what kind of government would it have?: democratic
What's your favorite type of music?: gospel
How does your music make you feel?: calm
How do you let out your anger?: crying
What do you like to daydream about?: sleep
Do you feel you are creative? In what way?: yeah
Do you have an irrational fear (spiders, for example)? What?: any kind of insect or reptile
Do you enjoy the company of those older and wiser than yourself?: of course...older people can be very amusing
What makes you happy?: Giving and being loved
What do/did you think of school?: It was cool...dont wanna go backtho...LOL!
What do you do for entertainment?: movies and concerts
If you spend a lot of time online, what do you do?: look for shoes or on myspace
What kinds of TV shows do you watch?: Dramas mostly
If you're into reality TV, which show would you like to be on? Why?: not sure I wanna do that
How often do you lie?: not often I dont think
What is different between how you see yourself and how others see you?: people think I am rude...I don'
What do you think of war? Could you fight in one?: it is a mess...could but dont want to
What is a just cause to fight for?: Christ
At what point should you stop fighting, even for a just cause?: you shouldn't if it is for Christ (spiritual war)
Do you have a favorite scent?: HUMMER & WET KISSES(i think)
Do you think the media affects you? How much?: yeah...a little
Do your intrests reflect well on you?: yes
Which fictional character do you admire most and why?: Winnie the Pooh...he likes to make people happy
What makes you nervous?: singing solos...:)
What helps you calm down?: looking at someone supportive or singing with people that are supportive
What do you think is most unusual about you?: the sauces I mix together (food)
Do you want to change it or are you proud of your differences?: I am cool with it...I am not asking anyone alse to eat it
Are you easily distracted?: no
What does your favorite animal say about your personality?: cuddly but strong when it is neccessary (a doggy)
Is there something about yourself you'd like to improve?: think more about me first
If so, do you have a plan or someone to help you? Do you want either?: Me and God will work it out
At this point in your life what intrests you most?: my career and love
Do you collect something? What?: cards
Could you defend your religious beliefs?: yeah
People in your life
How do you know somebody loves you even if they don't say it?: how they treat me
Who do you enjoy making smile?: my family and friends
Who would you take a beating for?: protecting my fam
Who hurt you the most?: -
Is there someone you want to forget?: never that
How do you treat others?: pretty good
How do people treat you?: generally good I guess
How would you like people to treat you?: with love, honesty and respect
What kind of treatment do you think you deserve?: all the things listed above
Who do you wish would pay attention to you that doesn't?: in a way I hope they are
Who pays attention to you that you wish wouldn't?: man...let me tell you...I cant name them
How do you feel about your parents?: I love my mother to death...daddy is hy homie
Do you feel that people are holding you back from being yourself?: no
How do you comfort a friend?: hugging them and trying to encourage and supprt them
Why did you take this survey?: Bored man...I saw it on my boo boos (Deziree)page
Did it make you think more than other surveys? (I hope so): Yeah
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I enjoy listening to gospel, jazz, neo-soul and classical music on occasion.


Color Purple, Coming to America, Why do fools fall in love, SAW I and II. I really almost enjoy any movie that has a good plot and makes me think outside of the norm.


Greys Anatomy, America's Next Top Model, & Reruns of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, The Cosby Show and A Different World.


The Bible and any novel that has been turned into a movie. I almost read anything as long as it holds my interest.


My mother. If you know me and I mean really know, you know why. She is the best mother ever!
First Name: Erica
Middle Name: Shawntae
Birthday: July 10
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Brown
Fav color: Eggplant
Day/Night: Night
Fave Food: Pasta
Do you ever wish you had another name? Nah...I like my name
Do you like anyone? Yep
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Probably Tierney...but Ghamp seems to think we are twins!
Who's the loudest? Seekbo without a doubt
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Tee & Angie
Who's the shyest: Shy?...I don't think I have any of those...well...nah can't think of one
Are you close to any family members? Besides mommy...for the most part we are all close-knit!
When you cried the most: WOW...when my Grandma Sweet passed...I still have my moments
What's the best feeling in the world: Making mommy proud & knowing that I am loved!
Worst Feeling: Losing someone you love
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's run through: the store for some shoes!
Let's look at the:
What a nice:
Where did all the:
Why can't you:
Silly, little: rabbit...Trix are for kids?!?! LOL!
Tell me: its real...the feeling that we feel...blah..blah
Ran away from home: No
Pictured your crush naked: :)
Skipped school: I have to answer this...yeah I have
Broken someone's heart: I dont think so
Been in love: Yep
Cried when someone died: Yep
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: how analytical can I be answering this without taking up too much space
Done something embarrassing: yeah man
Done a drug: NYQUIL?!?!?
Cried in school: yeah
Your Good Luck Charm: dont have one
Person You Hate Most:
Best Thing That Has Happened: Graduated from Grad School
Ice Cream: Coldstone Creamery
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Gabrielle
Makes you smile: Gabrielle & BB
Has A Crush On You: dont know really
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: have I answered this already
Fallen for your best friend?: yeah man
Made out with JUST a friend?: .that word friend is tricky...
Kissed two people in the same day?: nah...not my style
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: of course not!
Been rejected: . yep...took me out of my naive state...thank God for it
Been in love?: ugh....Yeah...I feel like I am being repetitive
Been used?: yeah...unfortunately
Done something you regret?: thats iffy
Cheated on someone?: nope...not my style
Been called a tease: not that I can remember
You touched?: What does this mean?
You talked to on the phone?: Danisha
You hugged?: Mommy
You instant messaged?: Shavon
You kissed?: ?!?!?!?
You yelled at?: Either Seeka or Gabrielle...can't remember
Who text messaged you?: Tweezy
Who broke your heart?: ............
Who told you they loved you?: My girls

My Blog

Happy Birthday Wishes

Hey everyone!  I just wanted to thank all of my peoples for your birthday wishes!!!  Being in Rock Hill, away from all of the people I care for, can be kind of straining at times, but I appr...
Posted by Erica on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 08:49:00 PST