Annabel ♥ profile picture

Annabel ♥

I am Bel, I am a twat, I made Chris Message a Guy. :D xx

About Me

Je' m appel Annabel, my French is shite, I hated it but I did enjoy throwing sandwiches. I hate research methods they suck! I study-a lot, people say I am foolish but I contradict that because one day I will go to a good university and return home covered sick and urine, I might not even be drunk!!

I love my lesbians; they offer good conversation and company; which I like almost as much as Jeremy Kyle. I like getting coffee and green tea-mostly green tea because it is like urine and it tastes nasty! I like that I am more intelligent than most people and that I have maturity~sometimes!!!!!
I love to save my money and be stingey, if others pay for me then this, I figure, must be a good thing.I laugh a lot and my sense of humour is black and I like insulting people. I am rarely serious except during competitive activities and academics. I don't take internet profiling very seriously at all! and I like that this section is full of spelling mistakes and everything is in an illogical order, also it doesn't make much sense and that pleases me because I feel it somewhat reflects my personality! XD ahahahahaha!!!!!!
Please do not inform me of your perverted lustful thoughts, its not amusing and I don't appreciate that kind of attention, save it for someone who does.

Additional contact LJ
Shitty Facebook

My Interests

many an adventure, wet at all nighters, befriending the homeless, the party party, bad drunken dancing,bad dancing in general, russian accents, goats, everything that involves goats and the general petting zoo scene, forest walking and ending up in BAGSHOT, my unattainablity (word?)

I'd like to meet:

Serial killer O.0


the smiths, eurythmics, Vanessa mae, switchblade symphony, afi, the cruxshadows, flyleaf, placebo, my ruin, corrs, depeche mode, ultra vox, my ruin, the doors, nine inch nails, skinny puppy, tool, perfect circle, London after midnight, dope stars inc


Lost, the jeremy kyle show and Shit documentries


hans christian anderson. *favorite author* Catcher in the rye, Torey hayden, autobiographies of randoms like lorna sage and adolf hitler,

My Blog

The insane religous family just got cool. Dawkins had a point!

Do you think that if some of the women were ploedancing in the background they'd convert more sinners?...
Posted by bel ♥ on Mon, 21 May 2007 11:08:00 PST


You know your life sucks when you cry over the stupid mistakes and failures of others. Bastard day. ...
Posted by bel ♥ on Thu, 03 May 2007 08:27:00 PST

stroke of genius...almost

Relationships had always been a struggle You pulled me close and gave me a cuddle You promised me that you wouldn't let me down I laughed it off and gave you a doubtful frown I just couldn't believ...
Posted by bel ♥ on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 02:27:00 PST

another amazing poem

steph loves britney with all her heart. why? because Britney is Steph's very fit and improved girlfriend. In all of steph's memory, she has never had it this good. her happiness can be seen from miles...
Posted by bel ♥ on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:18:00 PST

worst week

I felt all depressed and full of angst all week. I was threatened to be kicked off one of my a-level course and subsequently had to write a fucking essay in three days. I am behind with work, though I...
Posted by bel ♥ on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 12:31:00 PST

terrible poem for sam- because she asked, i do not purposely inflict these things!

A poem to represent my gratitude to Sam By Annabel Jameson Samantha is my dearest companion., her beauty radiates for a thousand miles, making people blind. Before I met Sam I was but an angry, de...
Posted by bel ♥ on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:57:00 PST

my secret feelings for chris [really bad poem]

chris has glasses, they are shiny like the sun. also his hair is long and black like a girls. Oneday when he is old i will keep him as a pet. he will live in my garage in a cardboard box, with only a...
Posted by bel ♥ on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 07:41:00 PST


Our entry for eurovision song contest! by the communist overlords Bel and Steph   this goat is your goat, this goat is my goat, this is our goat, 'cos we are communist!   we hate democracy, ...
Posted by bel ♥ on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 07:29:00 PST

Are horoscopes really bullshit?

My horoscope for the Day: You may be feeling better today, but can be in danger from overextending yourself. Everything seems great, but it may not be quite as awesome as you believe. You have a quiet...
Posted by bel ♥ on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 04:20:00 PST

war within the kitchen!

Today is the first day in fucking ages that Ive spent in, and I feel so displaced I have no idea what to do with myself.   Got up, and literally the first thing I did was clean my kitchen, I scr...
Posted by bel ♥ on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 03:39:00 PST