About Me
Detroit Wings record (Wins-Losses-Ties-OT Losses): 9-10-0-1
-My Stats-
Games Played...20
Penalties In Minutes...10
Games Played...50
Penalties In Minutes...16
*The New and ImprovedUltimate About Me*:
Name: Amado Jose Dusman
Date of Birth: September 3, 1984
Birthplace: Detroit, MI
Current Location: Detroit, MI...although Bennywants me to come to Tampa, which is a real possibility.
Eye Color: Brown. People tell me I have nice eyes,but they're just brown to me.
Hair Color: Dark brown, even though people swearit's black. It's my hair, people, I know what color it is.
Height: 5'11"
Heritage: Mexican/White
Piercings: Both ears, and as amazing as it soundsmy tongue piercing is still open and it's been about two years since I've had a barbell inthere.
Tattoos: One on my right shoulder with more tocome.
Band/Singer: The White Strips and Metallica, eventhough I have a lot of artists I like.
Song: Of all time? "One" by Metallica or "DeathLetter" by the White Stripes. Currently, it's a Joe Budden underground song called "FamilyReunion."
Movie: The Godfather I and II. I give the slightedge to the first one.
Disney Movie: Good question. I'll have to go withThe Fox and the Hound. That movie is fucking CLASSIC.
TV show: Sooooo many. Favorite is Scrubs, eventhough I love South Park, Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and the Boondocks.
Color: Blue. I find the color soothing and cool. Itrelaxes me.
Food: I can eat just about anything (except BritneySpears, that skank). But I love sitting down to a plate of steak and potatoes.
Pizza topping: Pepperoni is the only topping I everget.
Ice-Cream Flavor: Strawberry, especially withstrawberry topping. Especially on Jessica Alba's chest. Yeah...
Drink (alcoholic): Bud Light. If it has to be amixed drink, it would be Southern Comfort and 7-Up.
Soda: Pepsi, and don't tell me it's the same asCoke because it's fucking not. Coke is sweeter.
Store: Any store that sells hockey equipment. An exof mine used to HATE when I went to Ace's Hockey Shop. I would go there to get my skatessharpened and end up buying new equipment.
Clothing Brand: Anything, as long as it looksgood.
Shoe Brand: Again, anything as long as it looksgood. I've been feeling RBK recently.
Season: My actualy favorite season is summer.Driving around with the windows down, hanging out at BBQs with friends...good times. But Ialso love winter, because winter=hockey season. Right now I'm playing three times a week,and I'm going to be depressed when that stops.
Month: September, because it's the birthday monthof a very sexy guy by the name of Amado Dusman.
Holiday/Festival: Christmas. As a kid, I loved itbecause of the presents. But now, I just love getting together with family. Family is veryimportant to me, so I love spending time with everyone.
Flower: I like to take the flower of variousvirgins.
Make-Up Item: Sex. I don't even know if Iunderstood the question.
Board game: Monopoly, even though every game takesfour hours without a winner before I toss the board across the room.
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny, unless I'm taking a nap.Then, I LOVE rain.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Fruit. I love to snack on thingslike grapes, pears, and peaches.
Night or day: Definitely night. I just seem so muchmore active and awake at night.
Sour or sweet: Sweet, and I don't knowwhy.
Love or money: Love. As long as you have love,money doesn't even matter. I miss having that in my life.
Phone or in person: Depends on the discussion.Imporatant conversations should always be done in person. But if you need to ask a smallfavor, it's cool to use the phone.
Looks or personality: Personality. A girl could begorgeous, but if she's dumb as rocks then she needs to get away from me. I ran across thisseveral times in Ann Arbor.
Coffee or tea: Coffee to wake me up, but I enjoy the tasteof tea more.
Hot or cold: I hate feeling either extreme. I onceplopped down close to $60 for a pair of swim trunks at Comerica Park because I was so hotand miserable.
Goal for this year: To finally get my own place. I'vebeen looking at apartments in Dearborn and Allen Park, I just need a roommate. And this isa moot point if I decide to go to Tampa.
Most missed memory: Watching Adult Swim with her,and DCTs.
Best physical feature: I'm starting to bulk up abit more (I hit 200 lbs the other day), but I think my eyes are my best feature. It justbecause everyone tells me they are.
First thought waking up: "Fuck. Time for workalready?"
Hypothetical personality disorder: I havenosportphobia. I am petrified of a world without sports. Oh, and I also have idiotsyndrome. Whenever I get a good girl, I always let her go. But not anymore!
Preferred type of plastic surgery: None. Peopleshould be happy with the way they look. I can honestly say I wouldn't get any work done,even if it were for free.
Sesame street alter ego: I would be Elmo. WheneverI go out with friends, one of them is always the lead person (Big Bird). But I'm still thecute one that the girls go for.
Fairytale alter ego: I honestly have no clue. Let'sgo with Prince Charming, just because it's cliche.
Most stupid remark: When I told my friend Jason Iwould hang out, didn't show, and then said something stupid when he called. He passed awaythat night. I will never forgive myself for not being there. Who knows...if I had beenthere, maybe things would be different.
Worst crime: Driving with a suspended license. Iwasn't caught, but it's still bad.
Greatest ambition: Setting the foundation for myfamily to be secure. Anyone that knows me knows I cannot wait to start a family, and I wantthem to be very happy.
Greatest fear: It used to be dying, but now it'sbeing alone. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine being single. But sometimes I think, "What if INEVER find the one? Or what if I found her and already let her go?" That's kinda scary,considering how much of my life revolves around starting a family.
Darkest secret: It wouldn't be a secret if I toldyou! Let's just say it involves me and the truth about being a father.
Favorite subject: For school? Definitelypsychology. The field is just so interesting. I love everything about it, exceptbio-psych.
Strangest received gift: I don't know my strangest,but I know the best. It was a flipbook my girlfriend at the time made of me kissing. It wasamazing. She took frame by frame still shots of us kissing, printed each individual pictureon picture paper, and made it into a book. It was amazing.
Worst habit: I started biting my nails again, butI'm trying to stop!
Do You:
Smoke: Unfortunately, I started doing this again,too. I only do it when I drink, and not a ton anymore.
Drink: Yes.
Curse: All the fucking time. I'm a hockey player.What do you expect?
Shower daily: Sometimes more than daily. On hockeygame nights, I shower three times. Once in the morning, once right before the game toloosen my muscles, and once after.
Like thunderstorms: I love thunderstorms. Theyrelax the hell out of me.
Dance in the rain: I have before, but now I don'tlike getting wet unless I know I can change immediately after.
Sing: Yes, but not in front of people...because Isuck.
Play an instrument: I can play guitar, and I havedabbled in drums.
Get along with your parents: I get along great withthem. We have our arguments, but who doesn't?
Wish on stars: When I really want something, yes. Iusually don't believe in making wishes. But if it's something I really desire, a littlehelp never hurt.
Believe in fate: To an extent. But I think we haveseveral different fates, and our choices determine which of those few fates we are tomeet.
Believe in love at first sight: No, but a friend ofmine put it good the other day. I don't believe in love at first sight, but I do believe inlove at first conversation.
Can You:
Drive: Yes, and very well.
Sew: Actually, I can. I've sewn letters and logosonto my hockey jerseys before.
Cook: I can cook a little, but nothingfancy.
Speak another language: I used to be ok withGerman, but I need to get back into it.
Dance: I can dance to the typical club music, butnothing great.
Sing: See above about singing.
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nope. I have ababy tongue, which Jose and Jacy remind me of whenever they can.
Whistle: I can whistle very well, loud and intune.
Curl your tongue: Yes, into one fullloop.
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: This is Amado Dusman. I'm Mexican, playhockey, and am 23. Of course I have.
Been Stoned/High: lol...yes to this, too.
Eaten Sushi: Never, and I never will. Raw fishbelongs in the ocean.
Been in Love: Yes I have, and I miss it.
Skipped school: All the time during my senior year.The teachers knew it, too.
Made prank calls: Who hasn't?
Sent someone a love letter: Oh yeah. I lovewriting, so it's a natural thing for me to do.
Stolen something: Again, who hasn't? It was nothingmajor, just a .25 Slim Jim.
Cried yourself to sleep: A few times, but we bringthese types of things upon ourselves.
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? People who thinktheir shit don't stink. Oh, and bandwagon fans. Detroit is full of them.
Are you right or left handed? I am right handed,but I can bat left handed.
What is your bedtime? Whenever I pass out, whichcan be any moment of any da...zzzzzzzzzzzz.
Name three things you can't livewithout: Family/friends, sports, and my laptop.
What is the color of your room? Blue. It soothesme.
Do you have any siblings? I have two youngersisters who I love very much.
Do you have any pets? I have a cat who is 10 monthsold. She rocks.
Would you kill someone you hate for a milliondollars? I don't think I could kill anyone, unless they were directly threateningmy family.
What is you middle name? My middle name is Jose. Itused to be a solid name until my cousin Jose came out of the closet.
What are you nicknames? I have so many stupidnicknames, courtesy of said gay cousin.
Are you for or against gay marriage? I am for it.If two people love each other, why shouldn't they be allowed to marry each other? When 50%of marriages end in divorce, I don't think we can cite the "sanctimony of marriage" as areason to keep gays from marrying.
What are your thoughts ..ion? I am notpro-abortion...I am pro-CHOICE. A woman has the right to her body. If a baby is not capableof surviving on it's own outside of the womb, it is the woman's choice whether or not toterminate the pregnancy.
Do you have a crush on anyone? I wouldn't say a crush,but I'm feeling someone right now.
Are you afraid of the dark? Only after watching TheRing, that creepy ass movie.
How do you want to die? I want to die having sexwith Jessica Alba while the Detroit Lions win the Super Bowl. That means I'll neverdie.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eatenon one day? Too many to count lol
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Mostdefinitely. There are a few I would take a bullet for, even someone I no longer talkto.
What is the last law you’ve broken? Drove with asuspended license.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: I am STILL a sucker forredheads.
Eye color: Blue or green.
Height Shorter than me is a turn on.
Weight This really doesn't matter, as long as she'snot more than me.
Most important physical feature: I hate to say it,but I'm a chest man. I love breasteses.
Biggest turn-off Ignorance. I simply cannot stand agirl who cannot hold an intelligent conversation.
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