I try to be well-rounded, I like culture, when I say culture I am referring to things such as:pop,fashion,spirtual, things of that nature..me and the people I do associate myself with are probably better than yours,
I am on a whole different level of thought and direction. I will not lower my standards to simply raise yours.
I w0Uld l0ve t0 Meet Y0U
my voCal meNtor..[tHe unDisputable WhitNey]
I wANt t0 Meet zANY,dIS0rgANIzed, CreAtIve PerS0NAS
i Want Too meEt "him" whoever "him" is
I wANt t0 Meet SINgerS wh0 trUlY kN0w the Art F0rM 0F S0Ng
the v0gUINg dIvAS ANd the :Pr0Per BAllr00M ChIldreN:
[OpeN Your EyeS biTch,You cAn Fly]
[ it'S a ReVoluTion, JoIn uP..ThE FashioN woRld]
[Me aNd YosHu looKing Calm aNd BetTer Than You.....smile.]
I Like a shitload of music, i indulge it [ineedtomakeanalbum] music = life, and i live for music.
my frazy music , movies and books ! this EP show goes on for a while,my musical taste is like gumbo, take a spoon, watch, and eat up
i love a shitload of movies, but these movies are my top three movies ever!!!!
i actually don't watch alot of TV. it's usally on but i am not paying much attention to it..But: Girlfriends,Golden Girls,Living Single,Will and Grace, Family Guy, Paula Deen's Homecooking, Futurama, Robot Chicken, Tim and Eric Show, Monk, America's Next Top Model, Charm School Girls,House,Psych,Dateline,What Not To Wear ...i'm sure there's more but i'm drawing a blank...
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Yoshu and Chris [ My Tw0 laMez}
[ and the best lady i know, my Mother]