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jenne belle

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Girly glitter comments from

Girly glitter comments from
im Jenne Belle Boctot Formales also called as duday, dudz, jen or belle.. etc.iam simply addicted toPRINCE OF TENNIS AND TENIMYU,in D-BOYS also..CAN EASILY GET ADDICTED TO SOMETHING..but i pramiz im nIce *frndly and approchable *can be freak and paranoid sometimes *i dont forget to smile., even problems can't do anythin' bout it..[ i love ] -my family and prends.. -prince of tennis,death note, princess princess d, d-boys [soo much] -basketball and basketball players. -aNIme..jaPAnese BoiS -ThAt sPeCial Someone??KOTARO YANAGI [yikeess..Nakss]kawaii nagi-sama ne?

My Interests

TENIMYU, PRINCE of TENNIS, ~YANAGI~ ,playing aUdition and o2jam [a bit] figthing with kids..[hahahaahahaha just kiddin] drinking chocolate drink.. hehe[cHuckiE!!] playing the piaNo[a bit]., wearin' mah seigaku jacket[trip]., watchiN t.v[anime/movie/anYthing n mganda]., sOundTrip tRu mY iPod., teXtin tOo mUch[gLobe And sMart]., cRocHet., interNet sUrfiNg., PicTure Taking., cOllecTing picTuRes-sOmethiNg pink-eArrIngs-sTicKers., reAdin mAgaZines., readin Kowts iN mY fOne., waTchiN basKeetbaLl., aLso Playing BasketbaLl[a bit] watchin cute basketball players.., eAting My faVe "cHeeZy" and ChOcolaTe., sTrolling sa MalL., disCo.. [BLaCk And PinK.. KAwaii]

I'd like to meet:

Everyone! someone who's nice.. i would also like to meet people from different coutries.. especailly JAPAN, KOREA and CHINA.. just add me [email protected] i also use this email add in my TAGGED account..if u guys haveYM- ty_belle_16FRIENDSTER- [email protected]


katsu no wa hyoutei, on my way, do your best, koori no emperor, crystal, season,your guardian angel * ippome by yellowcherry * ShOotin' Ur sMile-fUji sYuuSuke * SeisHUn gaKueN * SeisHun Glory *dRiVe[inCuBus]heLena*bUry me In bLack*i dOnt Love YOu*Im Not OK*welcOme to bLAck paRade[mcr] tuliRo*gEminI[spOngeCola] sCars Of a FaiLin hEart*bOston Drama*will neVer LearN[typecast] iriS[gOo gOo DollS]


hinokio * rocket boys..[actually a series..] * princess princess D [kawaii] * moon child * death note * tenimyu??prince of tennis the movie[anime] * prince of tennis live action* nana2 * high school musical * man of the house * organ of my heart[korea] * monster in law * resident evil * my sassy girl * nemo * haunted office * the eye1-2 * tOkyo Drift * sCaRy MovIe*ameRicaN piE*The MasK*initial d*how tO losE a Guy iN 10 days*sHrek 1, 2 and the third


prince of tennis, mirmo de pon., sChool rUmble, love hina, elemental gerad, naruto, sugar sugar rune, haruka, sunny pig, SuperGAls, u.f.o baby, CHrOno CruSAdE, DN aNgel, DeaThnOte, fRuiTs baSket, his anD her CirCumstaNces, ah! mY gOddEss, sUzuka, BleaCh, shaman king, saMurai X, detective CoNan, amdriver, burst angel, neon genesis evangelion, card captor sakura, fushigi yugi, FoxYLady, love contract, silence, mvp vaLEntine, MetEor gaRden, haNa yoRi daNgo, p.b.a, UaAp, NcaA


My Blog


i have love anime soo much.,and it makes me soo addicted to it.,im currently hooked on "prince of tennis" and detective conan., har!! i feel soo bad wenever i miss one of its episode., oh., ...
Posted by jenne belle on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 01:38:00 PST