"My body stay Vicious, I'll be up in the gym, just working on my fitness. He's my witness ooooo weeeeeeee"
More self confident, successful people that won't get pissed when I call them at 3 am on a Thursday night because I'm on vacation :)
"Like all Spartans, he was inspected"
Lost, and Heroes. I miss the Sopranos....
I just finished Angels and Demons, considerably better than the Da Vinci code if you ask me.
My Grandpa Kaarto. He can enjoy the simple things in life. He worked hard when he needed to work hard, and he relaxes when it is time to relax.My other hero is my Grandpa Wink for the one quote that changed my life, and his: "If you don't have a positive attitude and a good sense of humor, you might as well be dead, because you're already dead on the inside".