Kimberly profile picture


Time to find Mr. Right Now!!

About Me

Hey what's up everybody it's girl Kim a.k.a Kabeez. I'm here on myspace to meet up with my old friends back from high school or grammer and maybe some new friends. So if interested holla at me. I'm not lookin for no one with extra baggeg you no what i mean!! .. .. ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics


My Interests

GETTING MONEY!!<mspmb src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" width="280" height="280" wmode="transparent" flashvars="nopanel=true&amp;amp;amp;imgpath=http%3A 29887_6e4de9431188515385.jpg&amp;amp;amp;glitterp=false& amp;amp;amp;amp;roundp=true&amp;amp;amp;sepiap=false& ;amp;amp;amp;theme=.swf&amp;amp;amp;shadowp=false&am p;amp;amp;bevelp=false&amp;amp;amp;width=280&amp;amp ;amp;height=280&amp;amp;amp;imageWidth=280&amp;amp;a mp;instanceid=0&amp;amp;amp;version=2&amp;amp;amp;&a mp;amp;amp;amp;userid=8184198&amp;amp;amp;createDateStri ng=Aug%2030%20%2707&amp;amp;amp;username=%7E" name="rockyou" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" r

I'd like to meet:

Someone interesting and have goals in life.
- Get Your Own


The game, Jim Jones, Avant, T-pain, T.I, plies, Jahiem


Any Romance or comedy movie


B.E.T and M.T.V


My self, God,
(001) Your gender: Female
(002) Straight/gay/bi?: Straight
(003) Single?: Single, Sexy and free!
(004) Want to be?: A hood star
(005) Age?: 22
(006) Age you wish you were?: 25
(007) Your label?: N/a
(008) Your height?: 5"2
(009) Your eye color?: Brown
(010) Any piercings?: My ears
(011) Any tattoos?: Yes 2
(012) Smoke: Nope
(013) Drink: When i'm at a the club only
(014) Do drugs: Nope
(015) Read the newspaper: Sometimes at work
(016) Talk to strangers who IM you: Naw
(017) Like to walk in the leaves: Not really
(018) Take walks in the rain: Try not to!!
(019) Drive: Yes of course
(020) Like to drive fast?: Yea sometimes
(021) Hurt yourself: A couple of times
(022) Have a job: Yes
(023) Like who you are: of course
(024) Consider love a mistake: Sometimes
(025) Base your judgement on looks alone: N/a
(026) Do you like/love someone?: Not right now
(027) Been caught doing some thing your weren't supposed to be doing?: uhh nope
(028) Been in love: Yea of course
(029) Done drugs: Naw
(030) Gone skinny dipping: Nope
(031) Had a surgery: Yes
(032) Ran away from home: Nope
(033) Played strip poker: Nope
(034) Gotten beat up: Uh.. hell naw
(035) Been on stage: yes in grammer school
(036) Slept outdoors: No
(037) Pulled an all-nighter: Yes sir!!
(038) Talked on the phone all night: Maybe when i was younger
(039) Had an X-ray: yes a few
(040) Had detention: yes of course
(041) Been suspended: yes sir
(042) Been Expelled: nopw
(043) Slept all day: I think
(044) Killed someone: Hell naw
(045) Made out with a stranger: Naw not me!
(046) Had sex with a stranger?: Hell naw
(047) Kissed the same sex: Hell to the naw!!
(048) Done anything sexual with the same sex? Hell to the naw!!
(049) Been betrayed: Yes for show!!
(050) Broken the law: Nope
(051) Been arrested: No, knock on wood!!
(052) Been on radio/TV: yes WBLK.
(053) Been in a mosh-pit: We don't do those
(054) Had a nervous breakdown: Naw
(055) Been criticized about your sexual performance: No
(056) Had a dream that kept coming back: YEs
(057) Seen your favorite band play: Nope
(058) Owned a pair of big sunglasses: yes
(059) Worn a huge hat: Naw
(060) Judged other people by their clothing: yes sir
(061) Been told you have good taste: naw
(062) Been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: uh naw
(063) Been used?: yes
(064) Been in an abusive relationship?: naw
(065) Life on other planets: nope
(066) Miracles: yes
(067) Astrology: nope
(068) Magic: nope
(069) God: yes
(070) The Devil: no
(071) True Love: yes
(072) Ghosts: no
(073) Rebirth: yes
(074) Love at first sight: uh maybe
(075) Ying and Yang?: neither
(076) Witches: nope
(077) The Easter Bunny: yes when i was younger
(078) Santa Clause: nope
(079) That you laughed at: My best friend Toya
(080) That laughed at you: Toya silly a**
(081) That hurt you: He know who he is!!
(081) That turned you on: Nobody
(082) That kissed you: My lil sister Jaidean
(083) That hugged you: Jaidean
(084) That you went shopping with : Um it was my sister Dewayna
(085) To disappoint you: He know who he is
(086) That made you cry: Nobody
(087) That brightened up your day: Myself
(088) You saw a movie with: Myself
(089) You talked to on the phone: Uh.. My mom
(090) You talked to on text message: Toya
(091) You to on IM: nobody
(092) That made you smile: nobody
(093) That made you laugh: toya
(094) That saw you cry: My close friends
(095) That bought you something: lol nobody
(096) That danced with you: it's been a while
(097) That you have a crush on: nobody
The Whats...
(098) What do you find romantic?: A real dude.
(099) What are your turn-on's?: N/a
(100) What are your turn-off's?: Fake dudes
(101) What is best about the opposite sex?: not sure
(102) What is best about the same sex?: Dont ask me that i dont no and dont care to no!!
(103) What is the last present someone got you?: lol sh*t
(104) What makes you happy?: life!!
(105) What is your B-day?: 12/18
(106) What is your favorite movie?: Players Club
(107) What is your favorite band?: n/a
(108) What is your favorite type of movie?: Comedy
(109) What is your favorite season?: Summer
(110) What is your favorite month?: Sept
(111) What is your favorite Holiday?: July 4
(112) What is your favorite language?: English
(113) What is your favorite thing to do?: Party like a rock star
(114) What is your favorite color(s)?: red and black
The Who's...
(115) Your best friend(s): Toya
(116) The one person you can trust with any thing?: Toya
(117) Your favorite singer?: Beyonce
(118) Your favorite Actor?:
(119) Your favorite Actress?:
(120) Your favorite President?:
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