I love people, just anyone from anywhere, baseball, eventually i will have been to every major leage ball park, so I guess you could say I like to travel, spending time with the people who matter in the grand scheme of things, and anything competative, chess, sports ect.
Bob Marley, Jim Morrison, Ernie Banks, and my great grand parents, just to see who i came from, guess you could say I'm a curious fellow. I would also like to spend the day with Jobe, just to be able to learn some of the ways he would utilize that paitence.
All kinds from classic rock, blues and techno, to hip hop, modern rock as well as alternative, so yea Im open, my fav. though is rap, just because i try to apply it in a positive way towards my job, sales can be high stress and i always try to stay on top, ha ha!!!!!!!!!!
Quickly the all time top five are Goodfellas, Heat, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Braveheart, and I almost hate to admit it, Ace Ventura; Pet Detective. Yea its # 6 but Fever Pitch is classic, I actually cried when she asked him to sell his Red Sox tickets, what a hooker.
Not much, NFL Network, ESPN and Entorage.
Anything by Hunter S. Thompson, he is serioulsy a dimented man, but i love it.
My dad, my mom Jackie Robinson, single mothers, and anyone who would rather work for what have instead of muching for it.