PeoplE who MakE me LaugH, SeveN JeanS, big SunglasseS, BCBG and NinE WesT PumpS, fur, the NewspapeR with my BreakfasT, uGG bOOts, LayerinG ClotheS, big HooP eaRRings, PeoplE who can SurprisE me, my InfinitI, MartiniS, JokeS, the sun, LovE, my dog CalviN, caRRot CakE, ruNNing, BlacK WhitE & BrowN ClothinG, AnythinG FroM tiFFany's, FresH FlowerS, new SockS, smeLL of BurninG LeaveS and FreshlY cut graSS, goSSip MagazineS, jeLLy beLLies, FamilY, and gOOd TimeS.....
Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino
Smooth and sweet, you fit in to almost any crowd. No one would suspect you of being a coffee tweaker!
What Flavor Frappuccino Are You?