Whats good peoplez? Welcome to my page. I guess this is where i'm supposed to let yallz know a little about me. Well i'm From Detroit and now reside in some lil town called Wacksacola, I mean Pensacola. 27 years old doin the school and work thing. I am a man of many different talents. I am a grown man that do grown things. So if you are on that immature high school shit go kick rocks. I am drama free and plan on bein drama free as long as possible. I am smarter than the average bear and my thought process is deep. If you are not on my level press on. I am a sports fanatic i've played almost all of them at one point or another. If there is anymore info that you wanna know hit me up and I'll see what I can do about answering.
Oh yea for yall haters, bow down, go Wolverines.