My family. Spending time with my friends just laughing about all the old times and making more memories that will last me a lifetime. Jeeps. Going to the beach in the summer and getting my Irishmen's tan. The smell of fresh cut grass. Wearing ballcaps. Hearing my son's say, "I love you". Competitive sports. A cold beer on a hot summer day. Watching football on Sundays. Taking a walk in the woods. A "good" glass of wine. Rolling the windows down and sining a good song at the top of my lungs! Eating crabs. Watching my children become their own people. Growing old with my husband.
Colton singing
David Akers, Wentworth Miller, Garth Brooks
Matthew Ryan, Garth Brooks, Barenaked Ladies, James Taylor, Everclear, Elvis, U2 (the older LP's), John Cougar, Tim Magraw, Toby Keith, Alabama, Dierks Bentley, Frank Sinatra
Footloose, Roadhouse, How to loose a guy in 10 days, Christmas Vacation
Football, Prisonbreak, House, Jon&Kate plus 8, Little People Big World, Army Wives, Top Chef, Real Housewifes of OC and NYC, SupperNanny
I really don't enjoy reading. I'd rather be out there doing something then reading about it. I do however read my Parents magazine from cover to cover the day I get it. I'm always trying to get ideas on how to improve and become the best parent I can be.
Fellow parents. It is by far the hardest (yet most rewarding) job you'll ever have.