Wassup. Names's Dre. I was born and raised in K.C., MO. I love my city and my state. I'm a huge Missouri Tigers fan, but I follow mostly MU football which is my all-time favorite sport 2 watch & play. Even though I'm a K.C. native my fav. NFL is da Pittsburgh Steelers. I been a Steeler fan since I started watchin' football. Next year I plan 2 go 2 @ least 1 Steeler home game and try 2 do that every year after that. Besides sports I also like cars. Actually I love cars. I'm always up on da latest car shit. I prefer American cars, but I admire foreign 1s too. I like 2 race too. Rarely ever go da speed limit. I like goin' out, and meetin' new people so I'm out almost every weekend somewhere like da club or movies or somewhere else. I'm a coo person 2 talk 2 and chill or go out wit, and get along wit most da people I meet. Got out of a relationship a few months ago so I'm not really lookin' 2 hop into anything. Jus whatever happens, happens or what not. I've got a good sense of humor I like comedy, like 2 laugh and make people. Wit da way shit is now a days I think u gotta laugh 2 make things a lil' better. I like workin' out too. I think that's pretty important and try 2 stay steady @ it. I'm bout my money too cuz jus like everybody else out there I'm tryin' 2 live my American Dream. I say mine cuz not everybody has da same American Dream ya know? Mine jus requires a lot of damn money ha ha. 1 thing I wanna do eventually is have my own custom car shop and shit. Wanna pimp people's rides and all that. I'm big on gadgets too especially phones I'm always checkin' out da latest shit. I'm not really big on talkin' bout myself and I feel like I said too much already so if u got any ?s or wanna know anything else jus hit me up. Hope u enjoy My spot and feel free 2 send a friend request and drop a comment or somethin'. Holla.