The band esthablished in July 27 2002 in Jakarta, Indonesia. At the time the band was called SOUL THERAPY.They were friends and family before we ended up forming the band. Dimas, Fajar and Deny were friends at college and Dhani and Fajar were Brothers. We started the band because of our similar taste of music, we started the band by playing cover songs from bands such asa the Deftones, Incubus, Stone Temple Pilot,etc. On 2003, we were forced to changed the name "Soul Theraphy" and so decided to name it PERFECT MINORS. The band started to write their own original songs at this time and we finally released our first mini album on December 2003. The album record was WrinkleDays - EP, A four songs EP.In January 2005 Deny made a decicion to leave the band for his personal matters,and Fajar also decided to take a rest from the band. Today, we have Christian Gultom as a drummer and Hendra Timothy as our bassist.For gig reservation call: +6281315077812(Danny) or E-mail to
[email protected]