I love to draw PIn-up art and fantasy artwork..Erotic artwork is what I am really good at... haha and no I am not a lesbian juss b/c I can draw girls forward and backwards...so don't hate !!
You're Lili St. Cyr!
CURRENT MOON lunar phases
interesting Indivduals....
pots and pans....haha, I like almost anything really...I am OPEN MINDED, I love my Baby's music and you can check him out at Lighthouse Records and Urban Legacy on Myspace!!
The Craft, Practical Magic, Witches of Eastwick, "The Doors" Movie...damn the last one screwed up the flow...shitty..WAIT almost forgot The Dark Crystal, the Labyrinth, The Goonies, The Cell, Dawn of the Dead,Queen of the Damned, INterview with the Vampire, The Lost Boys, Seven, Quills, VAnity Fair....I know there is more..to be continued..... OH yea some 80's movies like The Breakfast Club, Can't by Me LOve, Sixteen Candles..(you know you like some of those too don't lie!!)...I swear there are some more juss give me a min
I am a MTV2 kinda Girl....
"Witchcraft today","the Meaning of Witchcraft", Both by Gerald Gardner, and the anything fantasy like "Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan, "An American Prayer" by Jim Morrison
My Grandfather James E. Bowers Oct 9, 1937 -Nov.24, 2005 Pop-Pop i love you with all my heart you have helped mold me into the strong independent woman I am today! Your on my mind whenever I look over a lake or look into the sky and I'll love you till the day I die...