Nerds, geeks, dweebs, losers, jerks, creeps, buttheads, dillweeds, dickholes, suckers, perpetrators, posers, imitators, haters, dorks, tools, morons, idiots, liars, maggots, thiefs, two-faced scalawags, miscreants, derelicts, misfits, co-dependents, harlots, strumpets, sluts, ass-clowns, bimbos, fluzies, flakes, shady people, criminals, animal abusers, sex-addicts, drug addicts, alcholics, food addicts, gambling addicts, myspace addicts, videogameaholics, trans-genders, cross-dressers, obsessive compulsive, attention defecit disorders, manic depressives, chumps, chimps, schmucks, schmicks, pricks, dicks, doofuses, dill-holes, butt holes, corn-holes, butt-munchs, salad tossers, rim tricks, trim-licks, rim licks, BUMS!!!-(meaning authentic hobos), groupies, gimps, prison-punks, dumb broads, retards, brown nosers, teachers pets, wanna-be's, outcasts, white trash, niggers, spics, chinks, slopes, gooks, crackers, kikes, polacks, injuns, trailor trash, wet-backs, spooks, rednecks, redskins, hicks, hill-billies, sand-niggers, dot-heads, moon-crickets, camel jockeys, huck-jawed blue-gums, slack-jawed yokels, inbreds, cripples, imbecils, dumb-fucks, fuck-nuts, busters, snitches, tattle-talers, teetotallers, bible beaters, holy rollers, gay priests, satanists, agnostics, athiests, t.v. evangelists, anti-conformists (who still conform to the anti-conformist way of life, right?), anarchists, cops, stool-pigeons, scapegoats, know-it-alls, murderers, rapists, whores, hit-men, terrorists, mealymouths, spinsters, shysters, con-men, hookers, whores, johns, authority figures, low-lifes, riff-raff, beastiacs, necro-philes, nymphomaniacs, burglars, womenizers, demonizers, baby seal clubbers, ivory hunters, slaves, fags, sell-outs, heroes, villains, still-borns, cannibals, assassins, liars, bastards, jihadists , the forgotten, the misbegotten, and those left behind. Any who were left out (you are probably used to it), feel free to drop a line. I have absolutely no tolerance for anyone cool! You will be exterminated. Every last goddamn one of you.