Maggie Ponce profile picture

Maggie Ponce

About Me

Welcome beginners of the underworld! I write articles and interview bands here and there. I do it both in english and spanish. Recently I cleared my blog because it was full of old shit, (very good shit by the by), but soon some more will be uploaded. If you can't wait, write to me via this or e-mail; [email protected] and I'll send you a copy of my zine, the celebrated Dole Babies, or whatever. The contents of my paper zine differ from the ones here. On this page I only upload music reviews, the zine is a world apart, a lot more hardcore if you like, I don't fucking know! Just give it a go and you'll see!! I also have a band, called also Dole Babies. Songs will be uploaded soon on Make me rich buying my zines and going to my gigs and I'll be able to build my own website and all!! I also like to make silly videos with my friend David. You have an example on this page. Enjoy it! And if not, surely you'll find plenty of real crap on youtube to entertain yourself with.
POQbum .com Graphics FANS ESPAÑOLES, grupos de las Españas y fuera que toquéis en Madrid; si queréis que os vaya a ver tocar y después escribir un artículo sobre la experiencia, bastante detallado este será, solo decídmelo y lo haré. Mirad ejemplos arriba en mi blog. Si no pertenecéis a un grupo, deleitaos con mi antes mencionado blog y si queréis una copia de mi aclamada revista Dole Babies, solo pedid, ¡sí! ¡Pedid, pedid y obtendréis! ¡Ja, ja, ja! :D Como una puta cabra estoy, una puta cabra generosa...
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

.. Nobody if possible. This my space thing is a lot of shit and please just contact me if you have some interesting thing to say. Check my file to know what I'm about before disturbing my life. Thank you. I TRULY DO NOT WANT TO MAKE FRIENDS THROUGH MYSPACE AND INTERNET IN GENERAL, I DO NOT WANT ANY PERSONAL INVOLVEMENT WITH ANY OF YOU. I'm actually finding very interesting the fact that people who would beat me up if they saw me walking down the street looking the way I look are sending me the so called "friend" requests. Now, what's that all about? Please be honest with yourselves and contact people of your own kind. If you would spit on me down the street, please save your friend requests for someone else. I will not promote something I hate and that includes mindless violence and shit of that kind. I DO NOT PROMOTE UNNECESARY VIOLENCE, I'M A HIPPIE AND DEFEND PEACE AND LOVE. I ONLY USE VERBAL VIOLENCE AND ONLY WHEN THAT'S DESERVED BY THE OTHER PARTY. I JUST WANT TO GO TO GIGS AND HAVE A GOOD TIME AND THAT MEANS JUST BOOZE AND A LAUGH, NOT GETTING INTO MINDLESS FIGHTS. I hope that's clear for those who bother to read this page before making contact. Thank you MyGen Profile Generatorflux

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My Blog

The Flying Rooster Experiment Loves Maggie Ponce!

At least so it says on the cover of this brilliant CD-R sent to me by lovely Aki, owner of Shit Suck Records in Finland. The first track is great! It's all instrumental, 'I can't sing', Aki says, clai...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 02:58:00 GMT


9th January 2009 VENUE LA SIESTA Pº. General Martínez Campos, 19 - (Metro Iglesia), XXXX Madrid, Madrid 28220 MADRID SPAIN Well, I hope you all have a good excuse not to come!The good old, 'I don't ...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Dec 2008 04:05:00 GMT


9 Enero 2009 SALA LA SIESTA Pº. General Martínez Campos, 19 - (Metro Iglesia), XXXX Madrid CON LOS FABULOSOS CAMILA PARKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VAMOS! SI TE LO PIERDES ERES UN MIERDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by on Mon, 15 Dec 2008 04:09:00 GMT

Las Madres y mi ida de olla

Joder, joder, joder... Tenia que haber ido a ver a Las Madres el dia uno de octubre a La Gruta porque tocaban en el concurso que este garito organiza cada anyo y se me ha ido la pinza completamente......
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 15:17:00 GMT

Dole Babies songs now online!!!

Yes, yes, what the fuck are you waiting for?? Go and listen!! Come on then!! Fucking hell! You're so slow!!!
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 13:05:00 GMT

Camila Parka en las grutas de Oporto

Bueno, bueno... Que atareada está una últimamente... Estamos grabando maqueta, los magníficos Dole Babies, que pronto podréis escuchar en Pues eso, el día 23 del mes de&nbs...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 03:32:00 GMT

New Dole Babies zine and film for your delight!!!!

A new Dole Babies zine has come out!! That's the 6th issue and its contents completely differ from what you can read here. If you'd like a copy, let me know so we can make arrangements; theonlymaggiep...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 03:46:00 GMT

Milk Roars article

After a lovely night/day with my man Gary at a lovely hotel in Earl's Court, (a comfy carboard box outside the station, quite a bargain for our budget!), we headed for to Tooting Bec to meet ex-Diary...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 06:16:00 GMT

Las Madres en Barracudas, Junio 08

Las Madres en Barracudas, Junio '08¡Que día de trabajo más duro fue este pasado miércoles 25 de junio 2008!Primero tuve que ir al curro que me da dinero de 7 a 15 y después al tajo que me mola. Ensay...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 07:11:00 GMT

España ganó, ¿he de estar orgullosa?

España ganó, ¿he de estar orgullosa? Primero, el football, (o fútbol para los cultos en la materia), no me interesa lo más mínimo. A mucha gente no le gusta lo que a mí y yo lo respeto. Desde luego no...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 03:45:00 GMT