(¯`•._Móni_.•´¯) profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Monis aka *Caprice*
Oh SIGH...I didn't come home (obviously)...I missed my plane back in August and said F*ck it...so I'm slowly slippin out of my saddness and trying to snap back into things...trying to keep my family afloat...I'm so glad 2007 is over...it was a bitch...and so far 2008 hasn't been that great, but who knows...honestly, it can only get better from here!
I'm genuine to the people I care about; I'll fake the funk to those I just need to be polite to...deep down I'm real, don't like the drama, don't stress under pressure when it really counts, always cheezin/laughin/bein sausy ;)...life & God har really tested me these last few years...but I WOULD NEVER TAKE THEM BACK...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and so far I'm a rock...as my primo says, WHEN LIFE HANDS YOU LEMONS, PASS THE TEQUILA AND SALT!
MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS TO ALL THE LOVE Y'ALL HAVE SENT...I'm ok, I didn't disappear entirely...I'm at work so bare with me if I don't check this thing often...email me and I'll give u my updated contact info...
*BESOS* 3 | | | I AM A(n): | | | 4
** Orgullosa Chicana ** USMC Wifey ** Mommy ** DXP Mu Founding Sis no.8 ** Vargas Family Baby ** Mechista/Puentista ** Band Geek ** impatient Angel ** Economist/Activist ** homesick Californian ** Beachy Babe ** Envied Genius ** Unofficial Chabot & Puente Poster Child lol ** 49ner/A's FANATIC ** Classy, Respected, Dignified Woman **

My Interests

3 3 | | | i spend too much time here! | | | 4 4

*Continuing my EdUmAkaSHun I plan on enrolling in USD by next year (2009)...cross your fingers and pray for me! All I see is white people...:S...VERMILLION here I COME!
(salsa, banda, house, anything with a beat)
*Learning how to Cook (thank God for Food Network!)

*Coffee, Chocolate, and Raspberries!
*K.I.T. W/Family and real Friends

*California --Bay Area, San Diego/Oceanside, & Sac/Davis
*The Ocean, Beach, and oOo Vegas
*Tequila --Patron, Corralejo, Don Julio

*Shopping and Fashion (love Narciso Rodriguez!)
*Community, Social, & Minority Issues
*VARGAS GIRLS...the pin-up girls of the 40s

*70s music and 80s pop culture
*Bones, Poker, and Billiards
*JEWELRY!! Sapphires and Champagne Diamonds

*Traveling (the lil that I can)
*learnin this HTML ish!
*dealin with the SOUTH DAKOTA change: ie SEASONS!? WEATHER!? TORNADOS AND SNOW!? btw, what the f*ck is freezing rain?! lol

Showin Luv to my D'XPtional Sorors

Click on "View More Pictures" to see my COLLAGE~HOMAGE!!!
3 3 | | | Delta Xi Phi's Home Page | | | 4 4

(click above or below to learn about DXP)

3 | | | Delta Xi Phi Mu Associate Chapter (@ UCD)'s Home Page | | | 4

My Youngins




Mis Papas, Hermanas, Bro-in-laws, Sobrinos, y Mi Familia

Pedasitos De Mi Mundo


I'd like to meet:

I'm not a Myspace Skank so send a msg!!

OLD FRIENDS I've lost touch with; Mechistas and Puentistas; DXP sisters, USMC wives/family; UCD/Chabot/MEHS Alumni; NO POSERS


3 | | | I love all types of music: | | | 4
*Banda (i *Reggeton
*Rancheras (oOo, specially on Sundays)
*Norteno (Tigeres del Norte, duh...ok, Tucanes de Tijuana too)
*Spanish ROCK (I miss Soda Estereo!)
*Spanish Rap..ok sometimes
*Hip Hop/Rap...TUPAC
*Latin House
*Oldies...another Sunday Tradition
aight, so anything that makes me move! yes, sometimes Country too, SOMETIMES (not so much these days)...and I LOVE CLASSICAL (I was a band geek, what can I say?!)

Favorite Artists:
*Guns n Roses
*The Eagles
*Michelle Branch
*Joss Stone
*Gipsy Kings
*Charlie Zaa
*Andrea Bochelli
*Café Tacuba
*Kanye West
*Dr. Dre
*Black Eyed Peas
*Nelly Furtado
*Toby Keith
*Gwen Steffani
*the Gorillaz
*Ryan Duarte
*Missy Elliot
*Paulina Rubio
*Janet Jackson
*Red Hot Chili Peppers
*old Cristian Castro
*Michael Jackson
*the Rolling Stones
*Lenard Skynard
*Lenny Kravitz


I'll watch a movie, but these days they're soOoOo HOLLYWOOD, I'll only watch them once...except these:

*FINDING NEMO!!!! (still watch it everyday!)
*Kill Bill vol I & II
*Star Wars ep III-VI
*Vanilla Sky
*Full Metal Jacket (ok, most military movies)
*Gone in 60 Seconds
*Sabrina (the original)
*Sin City
*Matrix I, II, & III
*My Best Friends Wedding (btw, I AM CREMBRULE!)
*Lord of War (ppl don't kill ppl, GUNS kill ppl...and I own one)
*Cinderella Man
*Jarhead (was aight)
*Princess Mononoke (anime)As an actor, I admire:
*Edward James Olmos
*Jesica Alba
*Rosario Dawson
*Gene Hackman
*Jay Hernandez
*Wilmer Valderama
*Constance Marie


TRUTHFULLY, it's summer, so I'm either stuck at work or outside...not to much tube lately...
ARMY WIVES:: betcha thought I was gona hate, well ME TOO! Actually it's surprisingly good, a little over dramatic, but that stuff really does happen and the civilian world thinks its cake for us Military Wives. Watch it! You might learn something about military families and the crazy yet real drama we go through...*tear
BASEBALL:: do not disturb me during a televised game!! and that goes for any sport LETS GO OAKLAND!! AND BRAVES!!!
Reality TV :: yeah I like all those Real World spin offs; Lovin "Top Model"
Sports Center/Rome is Burning :: I HAVE TO GET my daily dose, whew!
THE SIMPSONS :: best cartoon ever. period.
20/20 :: I gotta get my fair share of news..and it's a friday tradition
OPRAH::shh dont tell nobody, but i looooove Oprah! i've officially crossed into being a house-mommy lol
Sex & the City :: it's my drug of choice and man, I'm addicted!
Ugly Betty :: i know, i know...nuffin is as good as the original...but the ABC version cracks me up ;)
Grey's Anatomy :: i blame Navi for this one! but damn, i got hooked
E! and VH1 :: stuck on "I LOVE THE 80s...3D!" & "101 most..." its a time passer-by channel


*A Million Little Pieces...no wonder it was good, ITS FAKE!!
*Drink Cultura
*By the Lake of Sleeping Children
*Oh the Places You Will Go
*Classics of Political and Moral Philosophy
*Border Games
*The Latina's Bible
*Angels and Demons
*The DaVinci Code
*A Child Called It

Name: Mónica M. VARGAS(~Blue Coat) aka Caprice/Mónis (to only special ppl & yeah still Vargas!)
Birthdate: Labor Day (Sept. 4th) in the year of the Dog
Birthplace: Kaiser Hosp in Hayward, Nor*CAL
Current Location: (grr) White Horse, South Dakota...yeah out in the country!
Eye Color: Cafe Claro
Hair Color: Cafe Obscuro
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 135lbs..workin on losin the baby phat!
Piercings: 4...two in each ear
Tatoos: NONE...still waiting for Wyatt to design mine
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Husband: Wyatt A. Blue Coat
Overused Phraze: HELLA (i'm allowed, i'm from the Bay!), & OMG
Food: Italian & Chinese...Jack'n the Box...SUSHI!...everything S.Dakota doesn't have
Candy: i'm a CHOCOLALALALATE-holic!
Number: 28 (to infinity and beyond!)
Color: yellow
Animal: White Tiger or MonKey
Drink: raspberry italian soda w/creme
Alcohol Drink: Patrón shots / Tequila Sunrise / Margaritas
Bagel: Cinammon Raisin w/phaty cream cheese
Letter: greek: D-X-P! MA#8!!
Body Part on Opposite sex: arms, shoulders & back
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Cherry Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: eww..JACK 'N THE BOX!
Strawberry or Watermelon: (niña) fresa!
Hot tea or Ice tea: Mint Hot Tea and Raspberry Ice Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla CHOcoLAlaLAlate!!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: White Chocolate Mocha w/a shot of Peppermint and Rasp
Kiss or Hug: both
Dog or Cat: dog...can't stand cats...tried and FAILED
Rap or Punk: both...depends on the mood
Summer or Winter: SUMMER...beaners and snow don't mix
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny Movies
Love or Money: Money! ok I'm broke so obviously AMOUR
Bedtime: mMm...depends if I'm workin certain shifts, otherwise by midnite
Most Missed Memory: soakin the Cali Sun on the beach and all my friends back West
Best phyiscal feature: all my "battle wounds" (especially the c-section one) cuz they tell a story...i dunno! my boobs?!
First Thought Waking Up: turn off the DAYUM alarm!! or It CANT be morning ALREADY?!
Goal for this year: potty train the youngins and get the hell outta debt so I can move outta the REZ
Best Friends: NONE...and lemme explain...i have SISTERS/Sorors and brothers...i have my family...but bcuz of the distance, i'm not as close as i want to be to them and vice versa...plus i cant stand ppl out here so i stick to myself, kids, & hubby
Weakness: over critical, demanding, perfectionist
Fears: the dark=fear of being alone...and not seeing home anytime soon...and of course death cuz i'm soooooo not ready to go anytime soon!
Heritage: Latina, not hispanic, Mexican, but I consider myself CHICANA
Longest relationship: I have a 3 year curse on me!...i'm pretty sure I'll break it this year lol
Ever Drank: I'm an alchoholic so yes
Ever Smoked: ew yeah and I'm sooo over it; DISGUSTING habit and trust me, you don't want to smoke around me or my kids cuz I WILL put it out on your face (or somewhere)
Pot: nope...and you have NO proof I ever did
Ever been Drunk: a few times, usually I can hang except for the first times after havin the babies
Ever been beaten up: i wouldnt consider it beaten up...
Ever beaten someone up: not exactly, i left a bruise
Ever Shoplifted: yeah i'm a thief...only cuz my piggy bank is empty
Ever Skinny Dipped: mMm I plea the 5th
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: hahahaha
Been Dumped Lately: nah it's been awhile...wait a min, i always had to do the breakin up cuz when it comes to ending relationships, men have no balls!
Favorite Eye Color: hazel brown (Blue that's your eye color rite? oOo they're memorizing!)
Favorite Hair Color: dark
Short or Long: SHORT / high and tight!! I like a guy clean cut!
Height: Tall...always have...and I caught me a big one!
Style: kleen and apparently I like em with a hint of Cowboy (?!)
Looks or Personality: haha obviously i chose the LOOKS cuz he wont win you with his personality! jk
Hot or Cute Cute...though my hubby is HOT...
Drugs and Alcohol: absolutely no drugs! and he proved that too me right away....we were alchys together, and a lil is ok every now and then...but i prefer NONE in his system (w/2 vehicles up in smoke, you would too!)
Muscular or Really Skinny: MUSCULAR...i cant stand skinny guys...YUK...my devil dog is all beef ;)
Number of Regrets in the Past: ZERO!! life's a journey, you should love the walk so far...and think about the paths you choose before you even come across them!
What country do you want to Visit: mostly tropical Pacific Islands or Indonesia...and of course Italy
How do you want to Die: I dont...but if I do, may it be swift and painless
Been to the Mall Lately: HA...do you know how far a "mall" is from me?! let alone the dinky one in Woodland is the size of the one in Rapid City!!...I online shop or go to Wallie World (wal-mart) yet thats an excursian away also
Do you like Thunderstorms: hell no, they scare the ish outta me (usually means a tornado's spinnin around somewhere)
Get along with your Parents: well, the less I talk to them, the better we get along and rite now we're not exactly speaking so yeah
Health Freak: on some things...food, not really, but thats cuz i love chicken and vegetables as it is but i dont drink enough H2O; I'm always disinfecting things bcuz of the kids; and i'm more a tree hugger than health freak
Do you think your Attractive: all M.I.L.F.! hahaha it's takin me a loooong time to be comfortable and love myself...so yes, I'm BEAUTIFUL! and conceited jk!
Believe in Yourself: YES...after all I've accomplished in such short time, absolutely! I KNOW I can achieve anything...as long as i'm not alone
Want to go to College: been there, almost done that...i'm short a few credits and refuse to go to any school below my standards!
Do you Smoke: HELL NO
Do you Drink: not lately and that's by choice
Shower Daily: no! i'd die of pnumonia!!
Been in Love: I am in love
Do you Sing: no, but I was a band geek!
Want to get Married: I want to renew my vows in the Church on our 5th anniversary and have the wedding I didnt have...we'll see
Do you want Children: I didn't want kids...but I've been blessed with 2
Have your future kids names planned out: Astraea Cualtzin = Beautiful Star; Wyatt Joseph = Named after his dad and both our grandfathers
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: i'm not even gona comment
Hate anyone: hate is a harsh word...but there are people i cant stand


My Mom..wow, i swear i'm gona write a book on that woman...hmm, other than that, the title of "hero" is reserved for some real miraculous people

Cheesy, but sincerely Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivors...these are some of the strongest women I know (and I say women because 70% of reported intimate violence is by women, not men, not to say it doesn't happen, the % is small and usually its a bruise, not the battering and abuse women go through) and please remember, YOU'RE NOT ALONE: 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime and 1 in 5 women reported attempted or complete rape...WAKE UP SOCIETY! THIS IS A MAJOR ISSUE! And it is YOUR responsibility to help because it DOES affect everyone in some way...ok enough ranting, go educate yourselves please, it could save someone's life. RIGHT NOW all you HTML CSS savvy people are my HEROS!! (u've returned my sanity!!)

My Blog

Forever Vargas...i wont change my last name

Lemme clarify the haze...I'm (legally) married but have decided to keep my last name.  When Wyatt and I were engaged, I made him promise me 3 things...and 2 of those 3 promises have been broken.....
Posted by (¯`"._Móni_."´¯) on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 10:39:00 PST

How I Phuckin ended up in S.Dakota

I know we've moved around a lot lately and keeping up with me is a lil difficult at times so here's my trails: ROOTS: I'm an original FIVE & DIME girl&as in *510...I was born and raised in Haywar...
Posted by (¯`"._Móni_."´¯) on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 03:13:00 PST

i DARE u to read this...esp. if u think u know me

How well do you think you know me? or anybody for that matter..? Seriously, do you know me because: we went to school together?; we're related?; we work together?; we're in the same sorority? At the t...
Posted by (¯`"._Móni_."´¯) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

How I met my Other Half (UPDATED)

Martin Luther King weekend :: Jan 04. I was down at Camp Pendleton visiting my loooong time friend, Tony Lopez, and getting to know his-then-new-wife, Melissa, during a three-day weekend. Melissa pic...
Posted by (¯`"._Móni_."´¯) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Lot's of people don't know the difference between these two terms. I'm gona try not to include "chican@" in here 'cuz that's another story! So what's in a name? Obviously, a lot....first, Hispanic is...
Posted by (¯`"._Móni_."´¯) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Tequila has no history; there are no anecdotes confirming its birth. This is how its been since the beginning of time, for tequila is a gift from the godsand they dont tend to offer fables ...
Posted by (¯`"._Móni_."´¯) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Legend of the Volcanos

Lots of people always ask me what the Legend of the Volcanos is about or who is the Aztec warrior in that famous picture. Here's the version that I grew up learning...there's many versions out th...
Posted by (¯`"._Móni_."´¯) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST