Jeeta once a pond time profile picture

Jeeta once a pond time


About Me

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Pimp My ProfileBiography____________________________________________ _______ My Name Is Jeeta,I'm a Single Mother to a 5yr old son,whose was born on December 28th,2002 at 6:01am. My Life has been mess up n now I'm trying to make it up by making things right again.A lot of people Judge me before they even get to know me,they even might hate for some reason.But i dont control there thoughts.Whatever you think of me I personally Dont give a Shit or give a Damn cuz your not my thoughts.I do my own thing N i dont follow others.I've learn a lot of things in my life,and for the most part i dont have an easy life.I've suffer, N struggle n been on my own.There are a lot of Pains, N for most part every night i cry myself to Sleep, Wrondering why my life is like this? Giving not up isnt what I dont but being Strong for my son. Sometimes they even a few disappoints but then over all I prove them wrong.I'm just a Young girl with a troubled soul.Uncertainty always on her mind,Never knowing who to trust,Who to share her deepest secrets with.Always alone, unwanted, deserted,only the Rain of Thunder can understands her pain.Of How i can relate to Darkness. Tears filled with lost love and betrayed friendships,Every tear triggers unwanted memories. I'm not bad friend,I'll never hurt you,or back stabb you, I always got your back.I'm the kind of person that will always be there for you whenever you need me. And not only that I'm allergic to bullshit and wont take shit from anyone.Do you believein Heaven, and that dreams are true. What are my tears made of? These tears are made of Pains, Sorrow, lonelyness, confuse, scared, wounded, hurting, and most of all just being lost. This road i take i on my own always lead me to the same place. why Am I so lost in a world so alone but how much more of this i can take? I have fail in everything i do or become, i have failed my life. So many cries and yet nobody can hear me or free me. The walls that I've builted to protect me have fallen besides me. Theres nothing to protect me from my own fear. All I can do for now is run from it just to everything else in my life, nothing is ever right from it. but what can I do? I can tell u everything about me on here but its too much to write I'm lazy now but I'm when u hang out w/me n get 2kno me U'll think twice about me...
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T e l l U s A b o u t Y o u r s e l f
~The Basics~
Name:: jeeta
Age:: 20
Hair Color:: Black
Eye Color:: Dark Brown
Nickname(s):: Jeeta, Rose, Lilly n so on
Height:: 5'3
Mood Right Now:: Feeling Bullshitted
Animal:: Tigers,Pnaters,Butterfly's
Sport:: Wrestling
Season:: Spring n Fall
Song:: Have u ever, Bugga boo, dont cha, love is blind, outta my system,
TV Show:: Nip Tuck, Charmed, Fallen Angles,Punked, America's Top Model, Fear Factor, Family guy, E.R, N so on
~This or That~
Day or Night:: I'm Mostly A Nite owl
Hugs or Kisses:: XoXoxoxo both.....
Love or Money:: Money Can buy Love
Movies or Music:: M&M'S
Big Crowds or Little Crowds:: iT DEPENDS WHERE i'M @?
Black or White:: Black or white dont matter
Water or Fire:: I'm calm as water but dont mess w/me if u cant stand heat
Drums or Guitar:: Drums
~Have You Ever~
Danced in the Rain:: Dancing in da rain is always fun
Honked a Car Horn at Strangers:: Yea just for fun
Done Something Illegal:: Like what,lol?
Done Something You Regret:: Yes i have n there's been too many of them
Cried in a Movie?: Yes i do
Done Drugs:: Ummmmmm
Smiled for No Reason:: Yup, even outta no where
Thought About Something and Laughed Really Loud:: But there like silly lil thoughts
Gone to ANY Camp:: Nah
Said Something No One Else Got:: Yea, nothing but copycatters
Said Something That Others Took Wrong:: Very Mistaken
Been Told to Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter:: Its always in there
Wanted Someone You Could Have:: You mean your Love?
Fallen Down in Public:: Fall on my ass aint funny,well it is
Done Something Someone Said You Could Never Do:: I always keep my promise
Kissed A Stranger:: yea it happens
Kissed The Same Sex:: What is up w/this question?
~Do You~
Drink:: Yes, Bud light, Miller, Budwiser
Smoke:: Newports
Like To Party:: Who doesnt ?
Get Embarrassed Easily:: Not really
Take Drugs:: Hmmmmm
Keep Your Promises:: Yes i do
Like to Talk:: A lot
Speak Your Mind:: Oh yea
Have You Ever Wished Someone Would Die?: Too many ppl, but i'm not that evil
Would You EVER Skydive:: Did that, n would do it again in a heart beat
Do You Think There's Gold on the Other End of a Rainbow?: Nope
What CD Have You Listened to Most Lately?: Brandy, Usher, Nelly
What's the One Thing You Would Bring With You to a Deserted Island?: My IPOD!
Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?: True n yet sadly
What's the Latest You've Ever Stayed Up?: Till next day
Whats Your Greatest Strength?: Is my fear
Weaknesses?: Being in love
What's the Compliment You Receive Most?: How my eyes n smile looks pretty
~In A Bf/ Gf~
Favorite body part?: Face
Something you need?: There warm hugs
Prefered eye color?: Doesnt matter
Hair color?: Doesnt matter
Height?: doesnt matter
Style?: Dont matter
Serious or funny?: A guy w/a great sense of humor
Are looks important to you?: Not really
~Last Questions~
Are you happy with your life?: I'm on hold w/that one
Been through any major changes lately?: Moving, break-ups, skool, work, familys n friends
Do you live life to the fullest?: To da MaX
Who do you always want in your life?: My Son
Believe that your dreams/wishes will come true?: Sometimes.....
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Deal with it

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Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 17:52:00 GMT

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Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 06:42:00 GMT

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I’m seeing lights, Somebody plz help me

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Posted by on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 18:20:00 GMT