href="" Wut Kind Of Drink Are You
PARTY ANIMAL!!! you love to have fun and lots of it, thats why vodka fits you the best
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
What kinda sex do you like?
Favourite Color
Times you want to fuck a day.. 10
Fav. position any position as long as its rough
How you like it a little foreplay and ALOTA SEX!
Where do you like doing it In public places
how good are you? hot and steamy
This QuickKwiz by sixmilesleft - Taken 572 Times.
New - Dating Advice written by YOU!
About you.......
Favorite day? FrIdAy
Favorite number? 16
1st thought in the morning? I lOvE mY BaBiEs!
Last thought at night? WhAt TiMe Is He CoMiNg?
Last person you kissed? LiL D
Hand cuffs or whips? BoTh
Strawberries or cherries? S-berries
People you'll fight 4? My SiStErS KeNdRa My SoN My BaBy DaDdY
You're most attracted 2? ummmmm...My BaBy DaDdY
Have you ever been in love? LoVe HuRts
Who was your 1st love? De'AnGelo RoBiNsOn but iT aIn'T oVeR
Funniest person? mY fUcKiN DaDdy
Are you a health freak? SoMeTiMeS
Number of things in your past u regret? LoSiNg HiM
Smoked in past month? ummmmm
Drank in the last month? EvErY wEekEnd
Number of Tattoos? 1...MoRe To CoMe
Number of Piercings? 2
What's your favorite.........
Scary movie? DoN't Do HoRror
Movie? MaDeA fAmIly ReUnIon (Da PlAy)
Bev. (non-alc)? GaToRaDe
Season? SuMmEr
Song? DeY DiKiNg
Holiday? My BiRtHdAy
Food? PiZzA
Item of clothing?
Quality in guy/girl?
Feature on guy/girl? LiPs
Which friend.........
Is most layed back? NoNe oF dEm
Is the funniest? KeNdRa
Is the craziest? BoTh oF dEm HoEs
Is the prettiest? AlL oF uS
Is the loudest? KeNdRa
Is the most loving? LaDuAnN
Is the most understanding? LaDuAnN
Is the most athletic?
Is the most talented? DaT HoE KeNdRa iS TaLeNtEd aS FuCk
Is the most boring?
Do you tell everything? LaDuAnN
Have you known the longest? LaDuAnN
Has the most tattoos? KeNdRa
1st thing that comes to mind when you hear......
Sex? HiM
Clown? DaDdy
Sin? ObEy Ur PaReNtS
Death? I dOn'T WaNt 2 DiE
Life? It SuCks!!!
Have you ever....
Lied to your parents? YeP
&..39;Cheated on a b.f/g.f?' DaMn I ReGret DaT sHiT
Gone skinny dipping? No
Kissed someone of the same sex? WhAt Da FuCk I lOok LiKe
Lied to your bestfriend? NoPe
Given a homeless person money? YeS
Run from the police? NoPe
Kiss-n-told? NoPe
Been streaking (ran around naked)? I'm ToO fAt FoR dAt
Had a crush on someone? StIlL dO
Stolen something?
Would you ever............
Bungee jump?
Be an exotic dancer (Buttnaked Stripper)?
Walk out of a restaurant without paying? dId DaT
Scuba dive?
Go rock climbing?
Get married? YeS hOpEfUlLy To HiM
Get a divorce?
Pleasure yourself?
Go skiing?
Date an Ex's Sibling?
Give your life for someone else? I'lL dIe FoR hIm
Your Stripper Info by radioface
first name
Stripper Name: Gigi
Specialty: the best lapdances
Customers say: "Can I have your number?"
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