I am The CEO and Co-founder of:
G.C.I. Violence Prevention/Intervention CO. Professor Sifu has just recently located from The U.S. (New York) having been here just under five months is offering Drug Education and Prevention lectures and Workshops and also promoting G.C.I which is now known as Global Survival SolutionsA multi faceted martial/combat component which integrates behavior modification, Conflict resolution, education, prevention/intervention modules, martial philosophy, combat applications, reality based combat engagement and the "science" of meditation/breathing/visualization to help develop a Wholistic Warrior who puts The Creator, family and their natural responsibilities to the forefront.We offer:Offensive Tactical Response
Rape Prevention
Bully Breakdown
Empty Hand/Weapons Countering
Military based operatives
G.C.I Instructors CertificationThe systems we offer:
Penjak Silat,
Thai Boxing
And Bodyguarding
Private Instruction by AppointmentProfessor Sifu
Heshah Denham-El, MSed
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