Anything that gets me out of the house. I get bored very easily and have quite a short attention-span. Oh look... a blackbird.....So yeah, pretty much anything that keeps me occupied. I imagine I was a terrible child to parent.
Boris Johnson, Stephen Fry and Fearne Cotton. Not at the same time though.
Seeing as I'm here, this chap as well (I'd like to make it clear that I hate football though)
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After hours at Moo...
Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday night...)
Chav night, innit...
Other than that, too much to mention - I can list the stuff I hate though: Jangly Rock (U2), any form of 80s/soft rock (U2 again?). Oh, and James Blunt, but that's a given.
Taxi Driver, The Elephant Man, The Untouchables, The Usual Suspects, The Game (bloody brilliant), Memento, Eternal Sunshine, Lost in Translation, The Fifth Element, Meet The Parents (You tried to milk him, didn't you you sick son of a bitch?) , Zoolander (Mer-man....MER-MAN), Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (sounds dirty, sadly isn't), 24 Hour Party People (I am not a piece of hash. I'm in charge of Factory Records. I think), 25th Hour (the sequel to 24 Hour Party People?), Made (just for the Screech cameo), Shaun of the Dead. A Cock and Bull Story (just watched that - brilliant). The Royal Tenenbaums (That's the last time you put a knife in me! Y'hear me?), Wihnail & I (There is a certain 'je ne sais quoi' about a firm, young carrot...)
Peep Show (She's ignoring me. Of course, she's ignoring me. I sent her a swastika.), Curb Your Enthusiasm, My Name Is Earl, anything with Alan Partridge in (I mean ANYTHING), Lost, 24, Family Guy, Hollyoaks, Futurama ("Why'd you open your bong hole you smelly hippy? You'd sacrifice a beautiful woman to save a moderately attractive monkey?"), B.B. (I make no apologies for this), Bad Lads Army: Extreme (who thinks up these things? Genius). Jesus - I nearly forgot Spaced. How rude (Get off me you bummer!). Brasseye/The Day today ("Your child could be splatted... by a roboplegic wrongcock"). I'm sure there are plenty more, but I don't want to give the impression I do nothing but watch TV (sometimes I record Big Brother. Oh, the shame).