Cars, Sports, shadow puppets, ranch dressing, sarcasm, midget tossing, cutting the tags off matresses, running with scissors, pushing all the buttons in the elavator at once and anything with a remote control.
Generous rich people LOL :)
Anything from G-G-G G-G-G G-UNIT! Tego Calderon, Ivy Queen, TI and the Best Eva THE NOTORIOUS BIG. (Tupac aint Sh!t)
Training Day/Saw/Replacement Killers/300/Smokin' Aces/SuperBad
Survivor, American Choppers, OverHaul, Simpsons and Family Guy(Gigidy), UFC, Cops, Reno 911 and South Park
What's that?
My family, my friends and whoever invented Buffulo Wings and Pizza.