some of the best things ever: music. sunglasses. vodka. my ipod. hoodies. hairspray. live music. pretty ribbons. hugs. msn. eyeliner. body glitter. long showers. my laptop. criss angel. cool lighters. tv shows from the 80's. taking photos. necklaces. perfume. nail polish. piercings. myspace. cheeseburgers. minty toothpaste. my bed. warm socks. spooning. converse. watching people shuffle. lasers. candy. youtube. rollercoasters. awesome heels. scarfs. old school board games. perez hilton. festivals. orange juice. lip balm. lamps. pyjamas. oversized t-shirts. chinese food. long walks alone. large earrings. mcdonalds breakfast. cold cups of water. cheese & biscuits. challenging dickhead teachers when they are clearly wrong. colourful post-it notes. asian novelty items.
sarah cause she makes me laugh more than anyone else
shanteee cause she is always there for me and does dumb shit with me
LEXY cause she is a babeeeee (L)
& cate cause she is my oldestt and bestestfriend :)
my parents cause they are raddd and let me do what i want
craig cause he makes my life a million times more awesome
all the other people that make my life brill such as :
stanmore twins
j-r twins
tom english
and a few other kidz :)