Jordan Michael profile picture

Jordan Michael


About Me

Im Jordan.
im 18.
im a Mo F'in senior.
im the coolest person u will ever meet.

My Interests

*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:

Name: Jordan Michael Nelson
Date of Birth: jan. 26
Birthplace: da bay aka walnutcreek
Current Location: city of meth
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: black
Height: 5 10
Heritage: irish so im going to be an alcoholic lol
Piercings: nada
Tattoos: not yet???
Band/Singer: linkin park
Song: right now its "the last night" by skillet
Movie: superbad!!!
Disney Movie: pirates of the carribean
TV show: reality shows
Color: a sweet blue color
Food: bbq
Pizza topping: pepperoni and pinnapple (i dont know how spell)
Ice-Cream Flavor: choco
Drink (alcoholic): the stuff that gets u crunk =]
Soda: dr.pepper
Store: hollister son!
Clothing Brand: hollister
Shoe Brand: dc fo show
Season: da summa time
Month: may
Holiday/Festival: christmas
Flower: NA
Make-Up Item: NA
Board game: NA
This or That
Sunny or rainy: sun
Chocolate or vanilla: choco
Fruit or veggie: NA
Night or day: def. night
Sour or sweet: sweet mmmmm
Love or money: luv
Phone or in person: its best in person
Looks or personality: im pretty sure looks
Coffee or tea: coffee
Hot or cold: hot and sweaty mmmmmm
Goal for this year: to score a lot (in basketball)
Most missed memory: all of last year with my homies
Best physical feature: u tell me
First thought waking up: there is none just movement
Hypothetical personality disorder: none
Preferred type of plastic surgery: na
Sesame street alter ego: cookie monster mmmmmm cookies
Fairytale alter ego: dont trip
Most stupid remark: theres been a lot lol
Worst crime: yeah
Greatest ambition: to ball
Greatest fear: spiders!!!
Darkest secret: dont have one
Favorite subject: skool? nothing
Strangest received gift: walgreens gift card. it was random
Worst habit: putting down that pipe haha jk
Do You:
Smoke: riiiiigghht
Drink: ummm what?
Curse: trying not to
Shower daily: yup yup
Like thunderstorms: thats a stupid question
Dance in the rain: yes thats what i do
Sing: i like to think so lol
Play an instrument: nay
Get along with your parents: sure do
Wish on stars: nooo
Believe in fate: believe in gods plan yes
Believe in love at first sight: i dont understand that
Can You:
Drive: yes i can
Sew: why would i want to do that?
Cook: sum stuff
Speak another language: negative
Dance: i like to think soo
Sing: nope
Touch your nose with your tongue: almost (and yes i just tried)
Whistle: sure can
Curl your tongue: yesir
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: ummm what?
Been Stoned/High: ahhh huh?
Eaten Sushi: gross
Been in Love: thats uh no
Skipped school: record holder of 28 days of first period.
Made prank calls: back in the day
Sent someone a love letter: ummm no
Stolen something: i dont remember.wait yes i have
Cried yourself to sleep: i might of when i was little
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? rudeness
Are you right or left handed? im normal so im rigth lol
What is your bedtime? wheneva
Name three things you can't live without:
What is the color of your room? white
Do you have any siblings? one sis
Do you have any pets? to many =]
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? well i dont hate anyone so no
What is you middle name? michael
What are you nicknames? money man. and "your so lazy"
Are you for or against gay marriage? against bc thats really gross
What are your thoughts ..ion? go adoption
Do you have a crush on anyone? =]
Are you afraid of the dark? no sir
How do you want to die? old age
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 50 do u believe me?
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? i guess haha
What is the last law you’ve broken? thats a closed matter
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: blonde/brunette/black
Eye color: dont care
Height shorter than me
Weight good physique
Most important physical feature: face
Biggest turn-off stuck up
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