the biggfest thing in my life (besides work!) is music, i love to go out the clubs, but also love concerts, ive seen a coupla bands live now, and its a really big area in my life, as anyone who knows me will tell ya!
dave grohl, imogen heap, jack johnson, the cast of fight club! sbrubs, and one tree hill!!!
i love all sorts, anything metal, like bullet and atreyu through to jackjohnson and missy higgins! (ive even been known to like jay Z!! on the odd occasion!)
fight club, se7en, anything with simon pegg, or dylan moran in it!
all sorts! comedy and drama!
eragon, eldest, anything by phillip pullman, the muse asylum all sorts, manily fantasy, must by 300 pages or what is the point?
1-all the bands featured above and alot that arnt 2-my parents 3-my friends,dale, reece, steele, kim, caitlin, Mike, davydd, and all those i dont have room to mention 4-all the scrubs cast 5-especially zach braff.