.. s0me0nE wh0 has a great sense of humor...has a str0ng pErs0nal!ty,0pen-minded... a good conversationalist....s0me0ne wh0 is swEEt and th0ughtfuL...and s0mE0nE wh0 wiLL accEpt mE f0r bE!ng what I am...(yung kayang sakyan mga tr!p k0..)and a Guy wh0 rEspEct g!rLs alot... aNd GuyS LikE..* W0n Bin * Vin DiEseL * T0m WeLLing (up..up and Away)* EthAn Z0hn (s0Le suRviv0r aFriCa)* EdwArd BuRns * MiChaeL J0rdAn * JuDDah Pa0Lo(h0ttA h0ttA..!!)* and si pArE DrEw AreLLan0...ooopppsss I f0rg0t Will!am HuNg..shE Bangs!!..hehehe